WWAWT home networking



Seem to be a lot of tech fags around so maybe someone can help a brother out.

I’ve got FIOS where I live which is generally pretty good. I got a pretty good deal on a 400mbps plan but I can not ever get it above 220 or so and that’s using fast.com which is probably inflated. I’m using my own router instead of renting their shit so they basically tell me to go fuck myself if I call in for help.

the way it’s set up now the Ethernet cable comes from the box outside into my garage, where it plugs into my router, an Asus RT-AC68U. From there there are Ethernet cables that connect to jacks in several rooms of the house.

this shit was installed probably 10 years ago so could it just be degrading or something? Is there anything I can fix on my own or any other suggestions on troubleshooting I can try?

I’d like to run another cable since the bedroom we’re using as the office doesn’t have an Ethernet Jack. It’s on the 3rd floor and in the front of the house vs the back where the router is. Any idea how big of a job that is or what kind of contractor you would even call to do it?


Where we at with the where we at?
I work from home and the router is on the other side of the house so I have an orbi mesh router. There’s very little degradation throughout the house now


I work from home and the router is on the other side of the house so I have an orbi mesh router. There’s very little degradation throughout the house now

I’m talking about hard wired shit not getting the speed it should though. I’ve got a couple mesh wifi things spread around too that seem to be doing ok but still are impacted by this same issue.


Where we at with the where we at?
I’m talking about hard wired shit not getting the speed it should though. I’ve got a couple mesh wifi things spread around too that seem to be doing ok but still are impacted by this same issue.
Oh. I’d call Verizon and have them look at it.

I have fiber where I live and it was going slow and the guy had to run a new line because the first one they put in didn’t have a good light reading or whatever


Oh. I’d call Verizon and have them look at it.

I have fiber where I live and it was going slow and the guy had to run a new line because the first one they put in didn’t have a good light reading or whatever
Right, so like I said they are basically unwilling to support you if you use your own equipment. They just assume it’s your problem.

so I’m looking for a way to test that on my own.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
One thing Reddit is good for is getting tech advice on stuff like this. Had a similar problem and after they mocked me for not knowing the right names of the pieces and parts I was talking about, they eventually helped me out.
Cat7 my dude, buy a reel of that. Cut the length you need & cable-clip it unobtrusively en-route to where you need it.

There's also the 'over-powerline' stuff where you can transmit data through your existing electric ringmain. Never used it so can't say much about it but here's an example: (keeps doing weird stuff) - amazon dot com / NETGEAR-Powerline-Adapter-Ethernet-Passthrough/dp/B0778Y6K6N/ref=sr_1_4?


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Cat7 my dude, buy a reel of that. Cut the length you need & cable-clip it unobtrusively en-route to where you need it.
I agree with this.

Chances are you have Cat5 for your wired stuff. It's cheaper and most people don't notice.

What you need to do is get a Cat6 or Cat7 cable, a small one, and bring a laptop that has an ethernet port to it and connect it directly to your router and do some tests from there.


Cat7 my dude, buy a reel of that. Cut the length you need & cable-clip it unobtrusively en-route to where you need it.

There's also the 'over-powerline' stuff where you can transmit data through your existing electric ringmain. Never used it so can't say much about it but here's an example: (keeps doing weird stuff) - amazon dot com / NETGEAR-Powerline-Adapter-Ethernet-Passthrough/dp/B0778Y6K6N/ref=sr_1_4?
I don’t know if the house needs to be rewired or not, it may be fine. What I’m looking for here is a way to determine that. And if I do, it’s going to be through the walls like a respectable gentleman, not nigger rigged cables running all over the place. The house is 4 levels so that isn’t going to work.


I agree with this.

Chances are you have Cat5 for your wired stuff. It's cheaper and most people don't notice.

What you need to do is get a Cat6 or Cat7 cable, a small one, and bring a laptop that has an ethernet port to it and connect it directly to your router and do some tests from there.
Tests such as what?

and can I plug the cable that is coming from the ONT directly into a laptop and do these tests or does it need to go through the router? If it goes through the router how do I differentiate problems with the router, vs problems with the cable from the ONT, vs problems with the ONT, vs problems with Fios?