WWAWT fruit?


I was about to make a similar thread, buy the focus was berries.

I buy a bunch of blueberries, black berries, and raspberries every week. They use to last at least 5 to 6 days, but lately I'm lucky if they last 3.

Adding a paper towel in the container helped, but they still don't seem to last as long.

As anyone else seen a decline in their berries life cycle?


Since I started focusing on my diet more, I would say that increasing my berry intake has by far made the greatest difference in how I feel.

It's crazy how many things are actually berries. Like watermelon and pumpkins. Then have berries that aren't actually berries like raspberries.


Big fan of most of the fruits mentioned here but want to throw in a good word for “cutie” mandarins. I keep a sack of them in my car, i Get a little thrill out of throwing the peel out the window and eating them while I drive.

Blueberries can work solo, they’re a superfood, very very good for you.
Cuties are delicious. I also throw peels from other fruits because it's not considered littering most of the time, but composting.


It's crazy how many things are actually berries. Like watermelon and pumpkins. Then have berries that aren't actually berries like raspberries.


For some reason all apples make my gums feel weird, they get itchy and kind of inflamed. Guessing some allergy that I've never been made aware of. The juice doesn't do it though.
My sister-in-law is allergic to apples. Breaks out in a rash if she eats them. Never heard of anyone else having that allergy

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
A+: Pineapples and peaches
A: Nectarines, cherries, and watermelon
B: Green grapes, mangoes and honeycrisp apples
C: Bananas, strawberries and blueberries
D: Blackberries, raspberries, kiwifruit
F: Cantalope, honeydew

But Key Lime Pie is the greatest pie.


I get a tiny allergic reaction to apples. If I cut them up and eat them as slices I get no reaction though. I guess it's the apple skin reacting with all the cum on my lips or something.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
WWAW certain fruit skin and not being able to swallow them

grapes are a motherfucker cause sometimes it's fine. Could never do apple skin. And I'm fucking convinced banana peels are inedible


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Lotsa fruit in my house. Bananas, clementines, blueburries, strawrburries, grapes, mangoes, wowtahmelon…gimme it all


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
all in with any kind of melon. I like honeydew and cantaloupe.

Bananas are alright. I love any kind of berry, as well as most citrus (grapefruit slaps, child). Nectarines and apricots also slap, little ones.