WWAWT Disco Elysium?


yep yep yep yep yep
I stopped playing half way through the england one. I enjoyed it for a bit but it's just not the same, maybe I'll try again some other time. The original trilogy still slaps.
yeah its pretty bad, i played both cause they are still way better and funnier than the other VNs on the market. i tried another highly rated and popular VN called VANHA11A or some shit man its brutal, gotta be trannies or freaks rating it so high. loved Danganronpa and Zero Escape and AI summon file by the same guy, but if i get to pick i would rather have another Phoneix Wright tbchwy


yeah its pretty bad, i played both cause they are still way better and funnier than the other VNs on the market. i tried another highly rated and popular VN called VANHA11A or some shit man its brutal, gotta be trannies or freaks rating it so high. loved Danganronpa and Zero Escape and AI summon file by the same guy, but if i get to pick i would rather have another Phoneix Wright tbchwy
I tapped out of VALLHALLA pretty quick. The music was good but I lost interest so fawkin quick and how boring it was. If you haven't already check out The Silver Case Files by the guy who made Killer 7 and No More Heroes. Extremely weird and out there but really engaging. Also has a sequel that's just as good if not better. Also if you can stomach live action/weeb this one is very underrated and as good as the ones above in my opinion. Lots of branching paths. Pirate it or get it on sale as 49.99 is rough for any game.


yep yep yep yep yep
I tapped out of VALLHALLA pretty quick. The music was good but I lost interest so fawkin quick and how boring it was. If you haven't already check out The Silver Case Files by the guy who made Killer 7 and No More Heroes. Extremely weird and out there but really engaging. Also has a sequel that's just as good if not better. Also if you can stomach live action/weeb this one is very underrated and as good as the ones above in my opinion. Lots of branching paths. Pirate it or get it on sale as 49.99 is rough for any game.

yeah i am gonna to pirate the psp version