WWAWD trolling the faggoty 'Who Are These Podcasts' subreddit


May St. Mel bless you
I should love a podcast that shits on other podcasts; I'm such a bitter hater myself. But the Nana love keeps me from listening. How can you shit on Stuttering John's fall from the radio to obscurity and not see the same in Nana?

Every podcaster or comedian with any sort of alt right audience treats Nana like he's Geroge Carlin and it sickens me.


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
Stuttering John shit can be funny, but WATP treats him like the newfags treated Chris-chan years after he stopped being funny, and hammering at some witless retard doing not particularly funny things because as far as they know they've corned the market on an "epic lolcow!"
Shuli from the stern show and bob levy do a show called uncle Rico that's all about John and a lot funnier than WATP.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
Pat should go on Stuttering John’s show! They both have problems with O&A; are both highly intelligent, well spoken and and successful; and both liberal firebrands. Pat would get a kick out of John’s joke about Lindsay Graham never leaving his closet.
That might be a good tactic for Pat because if i ever heard that unfunny WATP faggot discussing him I'd never want to Pat Post again


NYC Mayor
I hate this show because he pretends to have been an Opie and Anthony fan but gets even the basic lore wrong. It's clear he never listened to the show when it was on and he's desperate for Ant to love him so he refuses to shit on him. Disgusting. The dude hates Opie but uses Opie's soundboard clips.
This is a good summation of all Nana fanboys on youtube who only heard clips and get the backstory from hate manipulator and liar Nana.

Just like all the white niggers on here who trash Opie but openly admit they only started listening toward the end. Jackasses.
I should love a podcast that shits on other podcasts; I'm such a bitter hater myself. But the Nana love keeps me from listening. How can you shit on Stuttering John's fall from the radio to obscurity and not see the same in Nana?
Because there's a huge distinction between actually bashing other podcasts properly, and "troll shielding" so you avoid being bashed yourself. WATP are troll sheilders.


Massachusetts State Senator
This is a good summation of all Nana fanboys on youtube who only heard clips and get the backstory from hate manipulator and liar Nana.

Just like all the white niggers on here who trash Opie but openly admit they only started listening toward the end. Jackasses.
Aren't you an Opie fanboy though? The correct response for long term listeners is to hate both of those faggots.