WWAWD The Sky Is a Neighborhood

Dog Eater

Apartheid is cool.
Reminder that the Foo Fighters believe AIDS is not real.



Fat bitch with faggot tits
I’ll admit I like their early stuff and I don’t mind Dave Grohl too much. I got to see Them Crooked Vultures like on their only tour which was cool and even saw Dave play drums on “Ace of Spades” with Slash and Lemmy.
Nate Mendel was in Sunny Day Real Estate before foos and they were PFG too, if you like that kind of lurching, sedated 90s indie.
I cant even lump Foo Fighters in with equally boring 00s alternative rock shit like creed or nickelback. For the most part their music hasn't been more offensive to me than the opinions of people who like it. Its weird. I dont hate Grohl anywhere near as much as I dislike Foo fans. If someone tells me they like foo fighters without adding a caveat about how dull they are then I use that to judge their taste and character.
Sky is a neighbourhood is utter garbage though.

Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
Not even Foo Fighters fans like that song.

Fun fact: the Foo fighters played in Milwaukee last week and piggy didn’t go. They were playing the Harley Davidson celebration festival and I guess piggy is poor.
Wrong in every detail as always, child. I didn’t go because Harley’s are for fat failures that live in white ghettos. I’m a successful skinny author that lives in a black ghetto.


bury the dead, they stink up the joint
Pat's right. We can be ready. If we're ever going to meet aliens we need to exterminate all the "ethnics" first.


I listened to Songs for the Deaf for the first time in years last week and his drumming is ridiculously good. FF's do have a solid album and a half/two albums of legit good songs. It's just all the other stuff that's the problem.
[URL='https://youtu.be/NrF8yFXhnK4']"This is television for the blind!"[/URL]