Do you think this one is fake, Indian, or.... maybe this is how Indians troll, idk.
[HEADING=2]AITA for telling my sister she is a Bridezilla because she doesn't let us poop in her wedding[/HEADING]
I know, the title is crazy, let me resume this. I apologize in advance for my grammar, English is not my first language. I (30f) have 5 sisters, the second one is Marleny (42f) that recently got engaged with her third husband. The wedding was Sunday afternoon in the countryside in a beautiful field of a farm, we had an amazing weather and everything seem perfect. Except one thing. The location of the wedding was 25 min walking from the house with proper bathrooms and toilets. The solution my sister had? Portable toilets, one for the ladies, one for men. The problem? Marleny forbidden everyone on pooping in this toilets because "it can ruined the whole moment". My grandmother is a 92 years old lady with hips problems, so, when she tell me she needed to poop, walking up to the house wasn't an option. So I told Marleny about it, that she could have an exception with grandma, but she denied it, she said and I quot "Let the old woman walk, I don't give a sht if it take her all the afternoon" I saw red. I immediately take grandma to the toilet, she made business, and go back to her seat. She thanked me. Marleny, obviously went to the toilet to "supervise" and made a scene. So I tell her she was a reptile monster (here in my country is not common the name bridezilla) for not letting grandma to go to the toilet in peace and I encouraged everyone to take a sht in the portable toilets. If the groom wasn't next to her, she would have strangled me. She began to cry and said that the wedding was ruined. My other sisters went to comfort her and I left the wedding.
So AITA? Maybe I didn't respect some boundaries and ruined her da, but poor grandma. Idk...