WWAWD Stranger Things


yep yep yep yep yep

i dont get it the show is shit


My 12 year old niece is obsessed with it. That's all you need to know. My wife tried to get me to watch the first season when it came out but it didn't work for me because I kind of hoped all 4 of the kids were killed. Couldn't root for them.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
I liked the 1st season... but really don't remember it. I think I'm older than the writers, and I was born in '83. Don't know how they can write the 80's.

season 2 I don't remember at all, besides that huge dude and his dad calling him a faggot.

Season 3 was really bad... It was more believable in season one with the demons than in season 3 with the reds making a under ground town under the city. lol fuck that gay shit. Also, they put in a lot of LGBT shit.

also, in season 3, they had two chics that were under 18 in a dressing room, changing clothes. it was gross and made me not want to watch it anymore.

I will never season the rest.
Wow really that's terrible, what episode?


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
I'm trying to watch the new season but fuck me the episodes are long.


Also what the hell happened here? She looks like a 50-something lesbian. I honestly can't tell if it's the horrible hair and wardrobe decisions this season or if the actress hit the wall.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Millie is going to be Millard the trans actor soon

Edit: Shame she's got that sexy but butch vibe with short hair. Like Natalie Portman in v fir vendetta or sigourney weaver in alien.

Inb4 "gay"

Tell me you wouldn't have given Ripley a post trauma dicking
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Still spreading the O&A virus
I have never seen the show. But both of the main actresses are notorious drug addicts. The young one also was passed around to producers by her parents when she was 14. The one with the gaunt features is clearly anorexic and a cokehead. Pretty much every young actress who comes out of Hollywood is a complete mess by the time that they are 30.