WWAWD Stranger Things



What's the deal with this gay show? Do any of you watch it? I have never and will never watch it, but it is pushed enough and apparently popular enough, that it is near impossible to not have at least seen promotional materials of it online, or hear or see people discussing it. You can't escape it. Especially that ugly fucking fat mutt gerber baby face on the posters. When Max Holloway walked out to Running Up That Hill in UFC 272 I thought cool, Kate Bush, island nigger has good taste. But then saw someone online reference this in connection to Stranger Things which made me cringe.

How far off am I that this is a redditor show that does "REMEMBA THE HECKIN' LE 80S" and destroys everything we have fond memories of? I also noticed looking up horror movies that were released in the past few years they're going for an 80s aesthetic. It's a trend inspired by this gay fucking show isn't it?

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I liked the 1st season... but really don't remember it. I think I'm older than the writers, and I was born in '83. Don't know how they can write the 80's.

season 2 I don't remember at all, besides that huge dude and his dad calling him a faggot.

Season 3 was really bad... It was more believable in season one with the demons than in season 3 with the reds making a under ground town under the city. lol fuck that gay shit. Also, they put in a lot of LGBT shit.

also, in season 3, they had two chics that were under 18 in a dressing room, changing clothes. it was gross and made me not want to watch it anymore.

I will never season the rest.


I've never watched it because it just looked like a Stephen King show for Reddit. Unfortunately, it's (((pervaded))) our culture so I know more about it than I want to. Using a Metallica song to defeat a demon is the gayest shit I've ever heard. Did Jack Black write that?

Oh and I know they've made like half the kids gay which is totally how it was in the 80's and not insidious brainwashing at all
This is what happens when you spend all your time on 4chan without realizing that most on there are being ironic.

You sound embarrassing.
Wooah there sisterman, don't let the menstrual hysterics take hold of you. You wouldn't want to step in a glass house, watching anime and belonging to reality tv show fan clubs while calling someone else embarrassing.

Maybe calm down, do some makeup with @RobertMewler. I hear she's making organic strawberry scented shampoo out of rapeseed and thyme


Give Me Some Money
Wooah there sisterman, don't let the menstrual hysterics take hold of you. You wouldn't want to step in a glass house, watching anime and belonging to reality tv show fan clubs while calling someone else embarrassing.

Maybe calm down, do some makeup with @RobertMewler. I hear she's making organic strawberry scented shampoo out of rapeseed and thyme
I could have a train run on me by the cast of Queer Eye and I still wouldn't be as gay as someone unironically saying
How far off am I that this is a redditor show that does "REMEMBA THE HECKIN' LE 80S"


I tried to watch the first episode and lost interest.

I get it. It's the 1980s. No need to shoehorn in references to the decade, that's not what normal people do. Plus with all those "we're in the 80s, remember?" schtick, why can't the prop department go and find flashlights that aren't very obvious LED bulbs. I couldn't wait until the episode ended so I could tell the person who made me watch it "pretty neat" and not actually mean it.


I tried to watch the first episode and lost interest.

I get it. It's the 1980s. No need to shoehorn in references to the decade, that's not what normal people do. Plus with all those "we're in the 80s, remember?" schtick, why can't the prop department go and find flashlights that aren't very obvious LED bulbs. I couldn't wait until the episode ended so I could tell the person who made me watch it "pretty neat" and not actually mean it.
You mean kids wouldn't have Evil Dead posters in their room in the 80s, Jim?


Human garbage
I watched it and I liked it early on to be perfectly honest witcha but not so much the new season. I'm already committed at this point so I'll watch the last season when it comes out.

Of course Netflix made one of the lead female characters a lesbian and they make her sexuality part of the storyline. Totally unnecessary but Netflix is gay.
The show was a good idea. Somewhat reminiscent of classic Spielberg, kids going off on their bikes to have an adventure etc. Then it became a woke box ticking exercise. Every few years they rehash the S1 storyline with a gradient of more progressive casting choices. I watched the latest ones, the black girl is the worst Mary Sue ever put on screen.