WWAWD Scrotum infections



Ok I’m calling it. RIP @StarshipHomo



Ballsack update: Still alive, aids seems unlikely. Probably just a mean jock itch. Soaked my nuts in salt water, some lotradirm, some baby powder and sleeping with a fan blowing on them...ANYONE CAN DO IT. Feel much better. Still going to be a tough day...I fawkin needed you Jimmy.


Ballsack update: Still alive, aids seems unlikely. Probably just a mean jock itch. Soaked my nuts in salt water, some lotradirm, some baby powder and sleeping with a fan blowing on them...ANYONE CAN DO IT. Feel much better. Still going to be a tough day...I fawkin needed you Jimmy.
baby powder is gonna block pores & leave you with a caked mess. You really want an antimicrobial emollient like 'Dermol 500'


The Backbone of America
Ballsack update: Still alive, aids seems unlikely. Probably just a mean jock itch. Soaked my nuts in salt water, some lotradirm, some baby powder and sleeping with a fan blowing on them...ANYONE CAN DO IT. Feel much better. Still going to be a tough day...I fawkin needed you Jimmy.
Go to a fucking doctor. Your nuts are going to rot off and you'll get fat.

I have a friend who lost a nut to that

he used to look sexy

since then he put on weight like dogs and cats who get castrated
You see how sad that is?? You wanna end up like Garfield?


Ballsack update: Still alive, aids seems unlikely. Probably just a mean jock itch. Soaked my nuts in salt water, some lotradirm, some baby powder and sleeping with a fan blowing on them...ANYONE CAN DO IT. Feel much better. Still going to be a tough day...I fawkin needed you Jimmy.
Did you not go to the doctor?


I think I had jock itch once but my balls werent effected, just an awful red rash on the tip of my cock and dry skin. Fawkin sucked


Did you not go to the doctor?
I had a telehealth thing. I have an appointment next week, they basically said to treat it like jock itch and if it gets worse call them. It improved after one night so I feel better.

I used the sauna in my public gym this weekend and didn't shower for like an hour after. Really laid the foundation for a fungal forest to infest itself in my taint.

I have a really sensitive sack and skin, its swelled up like this from poison ivy before. Initially I panicked but I think it'll be ok. Will send you guys pics for bitcoin.
Ever since I found out about testicular torsion I always grab my sack and hold onto it when I'm flipping over from side to side when I'm laying in bed so they don't get all twisted up somehow.


Fuck. You guys were right. Your right Sonny, your always right. Fucking hitting the hospital. This shits getting worse now. My cock looks like a brick.

Very sad and depressing state of things. Balls and Hammer in serious pain. No jerking off. No sex. Really not feeling like any kind of sex God, nonetheless one from the old testament.

But iiiiIiiiiiiiii oooooOoooHHHHHH IM STILL ALIVEEEEE


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Fuck. You guys were right. Your right Sonny, your always right. Fucking hitting the hospital. This shits getting worse now. My cock looks like a brick.

Very sad and depressing state of things. Balls and Hammer in serious pain. No jerking off. No sex. Really not feeling like any kind of sex God, nonetheless one from the old testament.

But iiiiIiiiiiiiii oooooOoooHHHHHH IM STILL ALIVEEEEE

I'm going to start wearing a cup to bed.


Great food
I had a telehealth thing. I have an appointment next week, they basically said to treat it like jock itch and if it gets worse call them. It improved after one night so I feel better.

I used the sauna in my public gym this weekend and didn't shower for like an hour after. Really laid the foundation for a fungal forest to infest itself in my taint.

I have a really sensitive sack and skin, its swelled up like this from poison ivy before. Initially I panicked but I think it'll be ok. Will send you guys pics for bitcoin.
Did you meet your buddy Gabe Athouse in there?


Telehealth is bullshit, doctors need to physically examine you.