WWAWD Richard Nixon

Sue Lightning

Did a lot of bad things as president (which this is after Israel whacked Kennedy and took over our government so who knows how much say he had)
a lot, funster. Nixon was President in a time where a lot of power had been transferred to the executive branch (which maybe started around FDR). It’s not until Watergate and the Pentagon Papers that Congress starts to pull back and return / enforce a lot of their powers back to the Congress.

Why did he record them?
He technically didn’t. The recording system was installed by JFK and ran 24/7 for the purpose of archival material. LBJ kept it. Nixon kept it for a bit too. Maybe a short time before Watergate, Nixon ordered one of his staff to take apart the automatic recording and to replace it with a button that could manually record conversations that were historic. The staff member never followed through so it was all taped.

Professor Rape

46 72 69 6E 6B 20 72 75 6C 65 73 21
a lot, funster. Nixon was President in a time where a lot of power had been transferred to the executive branch (which maybe started around FDR). It’s not until Watergate and the Pentagon Papers that Congress starts to pull back and return / enforce a lot of their powers back to the Congress.

He technically didn’t. The recording system was installed by JFK and ran 24/7 for the purpose of archival material. LBJ kept it. Nixon kept it for a bit too. Maybe a short time before Watergate, Nixon ordered one of his staff to take apart the automatic recording and to replace it with a button that could manually record conversations that were historic. The staff member never followed through so it was all taped.
I should get something like that for my office. ........cubicle. Who released them?

Sue Lightning

I should get something like that for my office. ........cubicle.
Hey maam you need an officshe?? …cubicle?
Who released them?
Short answer: Nixon himself

I’m a bit muddy on the history here but basically Watergate happens and is found out pre 1972. He gets reelected. More aspects of the scandal keep unfurling and Congress starts investigating. Through SUBPOENA!-ing members of Nixons circle, someone tell Congress theres a recording system that runs 24/7.

So Congress SUBPOENA!-s the White House for the tapes. Nixon refuses citing Presidential privilege. He offers to give them transcripts of the tapes but only if a borderline deaf senator gets to transcribe them. Eventually the case goes to the SC and they say “No turn them over.” Nixon finally does and not only is there 18 minutes missing (proven to be done through 4 separate erasures) but theres tapes of them talking about covering up Watergate and etc. Then he resigns shortly after.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
I was too young to remember him but my dad always spoke highly of him. Although my dad considered himself a Democrat but politics were different then

Sue Lightning

There is literally audio recordings of Nixon talking about and to Biden who had just won his senate seat.

1972. Biden had just turned 30 years old. The required age to be a senator IS 30 and he ran the campaign as a 29 year old.
I was rewatching the Frost / Nixon tapes the other night. He is a fucking genius. And specifically he is a genius at being able to lie. He has that straight face and comes through with perfect logic but everything he’s saying is false. He could twist his way out of any situation almost perfectly.

His biggest flaws were his personality quirks. He was an alcoholic and would order Kissinger to nuke North Korea before waking up and not remembering giving the order. He would do 90% of his work in the street across from the White House in a little room alone. He was most likely autistic. He drove his wife on dates with men before they started going out hoping she’d pick him. He banned soup from being served because he was afraid he’d spill it on himself. Really complicated and interesting dude. (Oh and secretly bombing Laos / Cambodia, even telling KISSINGER of all people “Stop worrying about the civilians”)

Richard Nixon is a no good, lying bastard. He can lie out of both sides of his mouth at the same time, and if he ever caught himself telling the truth, he'd lie just to keep his hand in.
-Harry S. Truman
My favorite Nixon story was when he was up really late one night, getting hammered, and he decided he wanted to go to the Lincoln Memorial. There were some war protestors camped out there, and suddenly fucking Nixon shows up, and he's in the mood to rap. They started grilling him, and he fled the scene. Must have been pretty surreal.


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
My favorite Nixon story was when he was up really late one night, getting hammered, and he decided he wanted to go to the Lincoln Memorial. There were some war protestors camped out there, and suddenly fucking Nixon shows up, and he's in the mood to rap. They started grilling him, and he fled the scene. Must have been pretty surreal.
According to Haldeman's book, Nixon, while he was campaigning, would frequently wander off in the middle of the night and end up talking football with randoms in a diner or a coffee shop somewhere.

A very strange and haunted man, but he met Robocop which is cool:


Sue Lightning


Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
We had to write a paper about a president when I was a freshman and I chose Nixon because he was an evil dickhead and I thought it was funny. Trying to find any good shit he did and all I ran into was he opened "relations" with China. Peace and love right? Great now everything we buy is garbage. At least Chomo Joe can have as many cheap guitars as he wants though right? Thanks tricky Dick.

Sue Lightning


-Instituted price controls which basically crashed the economy and led to the stagflation all through the 70’s
-Removed the gold standard (i agree with this one but its very unpopular with people and too long to get into)
-Fucking loved Israel and his reasoning for defending them was not a strategic one but a purely guilt one (as he himself has stated in other interviews)

A lot of the things to praise him for (relations with China, EPA) probably could have happened under any other President. Especially considering Ford basically picked up the same policy when he became President and Reagan followed in those footsteps.

Sue Lightning

Fucking lol you tards got me going…Watergate was legitimately one of the most corrupt things a President has done. You can say “they all do that” but no one ever says what actions even compare. It’s not just the goofy break-in, one that never needed to happen because the Democrats were floundering hard in 72 anyway, its the claiming to not know about it to the public while covering it up in private, then firing the 2 AG’s because Nixon wanted the investigator into watergate fired (which he was), then refusing to comply with subpoena's and topping it all off with a once in a century (until Clinton/Trump) impeachment trial that forces him to resign.

Dude was one of the biggest corrupt nuts we’ve ever had in the WH.

Professor Rape

46 72 69 6E 6B 20 72 75 6C 65 73 21
Fucking lol you tards got me going…Watergate was legitimately one of the most corrupt things a President has done. You can say “they all do that” but no one ever says what actions even compare. It’s not just the goofy break-in, one that never needed to happen because the Democrats were floundering hard in 72 anyway, its the claiming to not know about it to the public while covering it up in private, then firing the 2 AG’s because Nixon wanted the investigator into watergate fired (which he was), then refusing to comply with subpoena's and topping it all off with a once in a century (until Clinton/Trump) impeachment trial that forces him to resign.

Dude was one of the biggest corrupt nuts we’ve ever had in the WH.
Explain watergate and why it was bad in less than a paragraph, and add jokes