WWAWD retards?

What should we do about the RQ?

  • 'Bort 'em all and let Moloch sort 'em out

  • Give them candy and a high five

  • Let them live but use them for dumb labor

  • Make pornstars blow them

  • I'm gay

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every now & then I remember this literal retard at an AEW show, me & a buddy sat in the handicap seats next to the happy little retard. Kid kept yelling "LE CHAMPEEEEYOOOONN" When Chris Jericho was announced. His bored mother played sudoku on her phone sitting next to me.


Have you guys ever seen the massive, retard strength ones? They're huge motherfuckers with rapid movements, and totally unpredictable. I was picking up a prescription once and the guy in front of me had his teenage son with him, and the son kept doing these Jackie Chan chops and grunts spontaneously, and I kept thinking "please do not interact with me."

It was like a pitbull being barely constrained, and if the autismo got his attention on you, you'd be beaten to a pulp, just one of the chops would knock you out cold while the tard would then beat on you until you're dead.


People overreacting. Non retards suck. "Do not move!" Shut the fuck up.
Or maybe they don’t want to have to end the party to take him to the ER to have a bunch of glass removed from his foot.