
I was diagnosed with PTSD by the VA. I don’t have “episodes” often and I’m not afraid of fireworks or anything faggy like that, but they said I have it because of some recurring dreams and I get extra gibs for it so whatever.

A few years ago i had night terrors a few times a week where i woke up screaming and all confused. Went to a psychologist to figure out what it was all about but she was fucking useless. The night terrors eventually stopped. Still don’t know what that shit was all about. Maybe i was molested.



It was very similar except the shooting was right out side the place and super loud. Plus it was Hispanics. I was yelled at by the guy in Spanish to go home and had to use the back door and shit. I looked ridiculous, similar to Moe from the stooges. Had to have a friend's older brother practically shave my head for me because he wasn't much of a barber himself and made me look like I had cancer. Which I was made fun of for in school for a few weeks until it grew back.

Childhood memories make me smile sometimes, but it pops in my mind everytime I get a haircut and I actually get sweaty and nervous every single time.


So you’ve got cured?
Glad to see you’re cured.

Couple a wiseguys...
