
Not me, I'm not a hysterical faggot. I'm pretty sure my friend's dad has it though. He's a war vet, and he's got all these weird tics. He frequently yells and argues with my friend a lot. I've heard him criticize his wife's cooking like he's Gordon Ramsay, but he refuses to cook because of something that happened in the war. He won't tell anyone what. I also found out that he collected fucking TV Guides. Odd guy.


It’s a tough one, man.





Not me, I'm not a hysterical faggot. I'm pretty sure my friend's dad has it though. He's a war vet, and he's got all these weird tics. He frequently yells and argues with my friend a lot. I've heard him criticize his wife's cooking like he's Gordon Ramsay, but he refuses to cook because of something that happened in the war. He won't tell anyone what. I also found out that he collected fucking TV Guides. Odd guy.
Is this a Seinfeld reference. I’ve got a friend that needs to know.

Edit: Apologies OP I thought this was for the goof. I’m sorry you have PTSD.
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Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I have PTSD, along with a ton of other shit from the military. It isn't combat related, the few times I was around combat events never phased me. When I was in Afgan a mortar landed 2 parking lots away; could have cared less.

Most of the shit that developed were due to having to deal with autistic fucking retards for 12 years, being sexually harassed / assaulted by a huge nigger, and being lied too nonstop, and dealing with shit that police have to put up with (I was a MP).

I found what mostly helps PTSD and other shit I have is going to gym, jumping rope, and running. Video games too.

I do hate vets that talk about their PTSD all the time like they want a red carpet rolled out for them.

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
I was diagnosed with PTSD by the VA. I don’t have “episodes” often and I’m not afraid of fireworks or anything faggy like that, but they said I have it because of some recurring dreams and I get extra gibs for it so whatever.