wwawd promising a "chick" you'll shoot a load on her face tomorrow

Had a girlfriend once that was very bland and I would always just dump it on her belly, except one time I randomly out of nowhere crawled up and shot it into her face just to mix things up. She was not pleased at all but I couldnt stop laughing for days at her deadpan annoyed face covered in cum.


Ain't it fun?
one time my ex gf egged me on to do it during a good fawking sesh and i went "yeah sure why not" even though i did fantasize about it constantly
she was all smiley down there with her open eyes but got VERY taken aback and grimaced fiercly once the floodgates opened
very appropriately so i might add considering how my jizz must've smelled and how much of it there was

i didn't even get all the spurts out before she fucking BOOKED IT to the bathroom, i thought she was gonna vomit
i was maniacally laughing and confident this can go off my sexual fantasy bucket list while wiping the dribble with her socks, never to repeat it
i'm not sure if i'm ebelleshing but i think i even shouted "i warned you" over to her

i think it's ultimately why she broke up with me. she didn't expect this tsunami of hot vinegary smoker's cum
i still jerk off sometimes thinking about her stupid cum-drenched face and doing the thing with her hands where you don't want to touch your face

i would have so much performance anxiety if i announced a maneuver like that a day before though
I've only done it a few times. It's probably just because I'm a romantic faggot at heart but it always felt disrespectful seconds afterwards, when they can't open the one eye that has a rope over it and the inevitable trip to the bathroom to clean their face.

Once in college I did it to this prim and proper Home Counties girl (not sure what the American equivalent would be - WASPy girl from an affluent rural area, the type that likes horse riding and tennis.) She asked for it and it felt like ages before I managed to pop one off, with her dumb face with its eyes closed and mouth open. My inner creep said (in my head) "if only your dad could see you now" and that was enough to paint her face (this was back in the days when I could actually shoot a load, rather than dribble one out.)

I don’t know if she'd done it before because you could tell she didn't like it and felt degraded. It probably didn't help that I laughed out loud as she tried to wipe some away from the corner of her mouth with a slight grimace on her face. I didn't see much of her after that.
Got a nigga's ribs brothaman.

I never understood the degrading angle. I've always just seen it as fun (for me, admittedly) and something that your girl does because she loves you. Obviously sluts don't think twice about taking a blast to the face these days but with a proper girlfriend, it's almost kinda romantic.

I recently gave a girl her first ever facial and she's in her 30's. She was reluctant at first but I kept things light-hearted and said she should try it at least once in her life.

I explained to her how happy it would make me feel and assured her it wasn't a degrading thing. I told her, truthfully, that I only wanted to do that to someone I really cared about and who had a pretty face.

She was worried about getting cum in and around her eyes so I told her she could close them if she wanted. But in the heat of the moment she said that she wanted to see my expression as I came.

I had my left hand on her shoulder as she knelt on her knees and I erupted across her face, crucially avoiding her eyes. She took it pretty well considering she didn't really enjoy it and immediately after, jokingly asked for a kiss with cum smeared on her lips and dripping of her chin.

I'm not a disgusting deviant so I declined and politely told her to wash off first. I'm not sure if she'll do it again but she seems okay about me spraying a load across her tits or stomach. But if I get the chance again I definitely would and may even see if I can twist her arm into swallowing one time.


Got a nigga's ribs brothaman.

I never understood the degrading angle. I've always just seen it as fun (for me, admittedly) and something that your girl does because she loves you. Obviously sluts don't think twice about taking a blast to the face these days but with a proper girlfriend, it's almost kinda romantic.

I recently gave a girl her first ever facial and she's in her 30's. She was reluctant at first but I kept things light-hearted and said she should try it at least once in her life.

I explained to her how happy it would make me feel and assured her it wasn't a degrading thing. I told her, truthfully, that I only wanted to do that to someone I really cared about and who had a pretty face.

She was worried about getting cum in and around her eyes so I told her she could close them if she wanted. But in the heat of the moment she said that she wanted to see my expression as I came.

I had my left hand on her shoulder as she knelt on her knees and I erupted across her face, crucially avoiding her eyes. She took it pretty well considering she didn't really enjoy it and immediately after, jokingly asked for a kiss with cum smeared on her lips and dripping of her chin.

I'm not a disgusting deviant so I declined and politely told her to wash off first. I'm not sure if she'll do it again but she seems okay about me spraying a load across her tits or stomach. But if I get the chance again I definitely would and may even see if I can twist her arm into swallowing one time.
This is fuckin weird to me lol, I've been tellin this slut I cant wait to cum on her face, face fuck her etc and she's all for it.

And that sluts name?

You guessed it. Niki Robinson.


My ex asked me to come on her face. When I did the deed she went right to the bathroom to admire my work. She even took a pic of her covered face. She was fairly innocent by today's standards, so she was proud of how Naughty/slutty she looked with a face dripping in cum. Gross.


My ex asked me to come on her face. When I did the deed she went right to the bathroom to admire my work. She even took a pic of her covered face. She was fairly innocent by today's standards, so she was proud of how Naughty/slutty she looked with a face dripping in cum. Gross.
Gross? that's hot as fuck
Not to gloat or anything, as I'm typically a pretty modest, self-effacing guy, but back in my salad days I was capable of blowing some pretty mighty loads. One of my first four or five times, I fucked this little blonde slut I really liked at the time, and when I said I had no rubbers she said "just pull out" and touched her stomach, which to me indicated she wanted me to cum on her. So the moment came (so to speak) and I pulled out, gave it a couple of hearty yanks and I just doused her. That second huge gush got her square in the face, right between the eyes and down her nose, then I nailed the rest of her for good measure. She had a look of total horror on her face, then she started to cry, then ran to the bathroom all upset and grossed out. I was pretty proud of myself, though. Every time I saw her after that, all I could do was picture my jizz all over her and really, could you blame me?


Not to gloat or anything, as I'm typically a pretty modest, self-effacing guy, but back in my salad days I was capable of blowing some pretty mighty loads. One of my first four or five times, I fucked this little blonde slut I really liked at the time, and when I said I had no rubbers she said "just pull out" and touched her stomach, which to me indicated she wanted me to cum on her. So the moment came (so to speak) and I pulled out, gave it a couple of hearty yanks and I just doused her. That second huge gush got her square in the face, right between the eyes and down her nose, then I nailed the rest of her for good measure. She had a look of total horror on her face, then she started to cry, then ran to the bathroom all upset and grossed out. I was pretty proud of myself, though. Every time I saw her after that, all I could do was picture my jizz all over her and really, could you blame me?
lol nice


Gross? that's hot as fuck
I hate cum. Maybe I just have unnaturally putrid cum, but the smell of it really grosses me out, so the idea of my face being covered in it makes me want to puke. I've had multiple girlfriends that couldn't believe I never tasted my own cum and actually thought I was lying. I guess it's hard for them to believe because women usually love the taste of their own juices and assume men would like their own as well?
My ex asked me to come on her face. When I did the deed she went right to the bathroom to admire my work. She even took a pic of her covered face. She was fairly innocent by today's standards, so she was proud of how Naughty/slutty she looked with a face dripping in cum. Gross.
and that girl... is now my wife