WWAWD Not giving a shit about work



Do you ever take time off? I don't ever do it and I get burned out at every job I've ever had. I've been working from home since March 2020 so that helps big time (also being 6'1").
I don't to a fault. Never take sick days or personal days any of that shit. Just your regular Joe with an old fashioned lunch pale, showing at the job site.

Memorial day weekend at the lake? I'm there! Fourth of July on the beach? Sure!

But then it's back to the job site! What do I need these big fancy vacations for? Life is about producing jew paper.
I left my job last year. Got tired of the woke hipster facade and the diminishing returns for my effort. I’m very cynical about work. Honestly I’m only there for the paycheck, I’m not “passionate” about your company or your mission. I’m only there because you pay me. I could be doing many other things with my time rather than helping you boost your bottom line and buying another boat.

I’m not there to make friends, I have them already. I don’t care how your weekend was.

How much effort I put forth is in absolute direct relation to how I’m compensated. I’ve never gotten more than an “atta boy” any time I’ve gone above and beyond.


I have a face like a shovel
I left my job last year. Got tired of the woke hipster facade and the diminishing returns for my effort. I’m very cynical about work. Honestly I’m only there for the paycheck, I’m not “passionate” about your company or your mission. I’m only there because you pay me. I could be doing many other things with my time rather than helping you boost your bottom line and buying another boat.

I’m not there to make friends, I have them already. I don’t care how your weekend was.

How much effort I put forth is in absolute direct relation to how I’m compensated. I’ve never gotten more than an “atta boy” any time I’ve gone above and beyond.
ironically- this is a great/realistic attitude

a job doesn't have to be a passion.......it has to be a way to keep you from having to move in with your parents


I have a face like a shovel
something I wanted to add

I know we should embrace our real selves, however it is okay to have a facade

I think it's already been mentioned in this thread, (or at least has been an underlying theme in this thread) however I want to further discuss it specifcally.

Have a work facade if you hate your job, or the people you work with. Do whatever it takes to keep those paychecks coming. I'm not saying be fake, kiss ass, or have someone cross any of your personal lines. I"m saying be polite, and refrain from burning bridges.

Covid shit aside, "Wearing a mask" can be very healthy for you when it comes to dealing with a job you hate

But also, don't be a schmuck---have a exit plan in your head

The Real Ray WiIson

Raymondo Munoz
I was just thinking about how burned out I am for no real reason. I left my previous job after 11 years when we got bought out and they started replacing everyone with their people. I really liked that company before that and most of my coworkers were cool. I left the job after that at 9 months because it was a terribly run company and they ran me ragged. I'm currently at an extremely large company making six figures and I wouldn't say I'm miserable but I just can't bring myself to give a shit. If you told me 5 years ago I'd be making this money I'd be so happy but now I literally sit on my couch on my WFH days and think "I should do some work..." and then it's 5pm and I just say fuck it.


I've honestly check out of my current job. Next month will be three years at my current and I've decided it's time to move on. Our numbers are way down this year and nobody wants to accept the fact it's because we are in the start of a recession. Shit has gotten old and I don't enjoy it anymore and it's time to move onto something else or at least another company. I'm in my late twenties and have experience, but also still have time to pick a different career path if I want to. I've even gone back to a side hustle at nights just to make some extra cash for the time being since I'm considering moving.

Sounds to me Brothaman you might be in the same boat and just need to move onto something else. There's hundreds of other jobs out there so don't waste your life at one your miserable at unless your making the big bucks
Late 20’s wha?


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
I'm getting tired of my job as an author, I think I might start a car blog. Elon Musk eat your heart out.

Honestly though, I both love my real life job because it enables me to be on here a lot and it pays well. I'll probably be working for them until they kick me out or I find something that pays double.