WWAWD Not giving a shit about work



What do you do for a living, character?
I have a good gig and shouldn't complain but it's all so goddamm repetitive. It's like texting with Pat. You appreciate it, but after a while it'll exhaust you.

Then I have to look and see these two useless retards in Milwaukee jet setting all over the world and not contributing shit. How many others are out there just ripping off handouts.

TLDR: it's the jews


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I've honestly check out of my current job. Next month will be three years at my current and I've decided it's time to move on. Our numbers are way down this year and nobody wants to accept the fact it's because we are in the start of a recession. Shit has gotten old and I don't enjoy it anymore and it's time to move onto something else or at least another company. I'm in my late twenties and have experience, but also still have time to pick a different career path if I want to. I've even gone back to a side hustle at nights just to make some extra cash for the time being since I'm considering moving.

Sounds to me Brothaman you might be in the same boat and just need to move onto something else. There's hundreds of other jobs out there so don't waste your life at one your miserable at unless your making the big bucks


I hate just about everyone I work with.

I never ever want to combine my work life and personal life. So I hate when anyone asks me if I want to do anything outside of work, or even asked if I have a social media page.

I don't want to be friends, but people want to be friends. I make it very obvious that I don't want any relationships with anyone, but they continuously try to make it happen.

It drives me insane.


I miss Norm
I have a good gig and shouldn't complain but it's all so goddamm repetitive. It's like texting with Pat. You appreciate it, but after a while it'll exhaust you.

Then I have to look and see these two useless retards in Milwaukee jet setting all over the world and not contributing shit. How many others are out there just ripping off handouts.

TLDR: it's the jews
Do you ever take time off? I don't ever do it and I get burned out at every job I've ever had. I've been working from home since March 2020 so that helps big time (also being 6'1").

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
I have a government job and we’re still working from home 90% of the time unless they need us in office for training or some other bullshit. I do absolutely nothing during the week except lay in bed, read, watch high quality HBO programming and shitpost online. We have productivity metrics like most private companies do but no one gives a shit about them because the government is totally unaccountable and everyone knows it. I’m certainly not rich or anything but considering the amount of actual work/effort I put in during a typical week I am egregiously overpaid. The only way I will ever leave this job is if we go back to the office full time, otherwise I’m going to ride out the rest of my 30 and collect my pension. Thanks taxpayers
I hate just about everyone I work with.

I never ever want to combine my work life and personal life. So I hate when anyone asks me if I want to do anything outside of work, or even asked if I have a social media page.

I don't want to be friends, but people want to be friends. I make it very obvious that I don't want any relationships with anyone, but they continuously try to make it happen.

It drives me insane.
Same. At my last job they were always planning happy hour at local breweries. I went to one but honestly I don’t want to drink with co workers and when work is done for the day I want to get home have a beer or few in peace and relax.


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I've honestly check out of my current job. Next month will be three years at my current and I've decided it's time to move on. Our numbers are way down this year and nobody wants to accept the fact it's because we are in the start of a recession. Shit has gotten old and I don't enjoy it anymore and it's time to move onto something else or at least another company. I'm in my late twenties and have experience, but also still have time to pick a different career path if I want to. I've even gone back to a side hustle at nights just to make some extra cash for the time being since I'm considering moving.

Sounds to me Brothaman you might be in the same boat and just need to move onto something else. There's hundreds of other jobs out there so don't waste your life at one your miserable at unless your making the big bucks
dont give them ANY hints that you're checked out...dont leave until you have secured your next gig 100% (and also have another job prospect if that one falls thru).


Same. At my last job they were always planning happy hour at local breweries. I went to one but honestly I don’t want to drink with co workers and when work is done for the day I want to get home have a beer or few in peace and relax.
WWAW with christmas parties solely used as a tool by companies to 'size up' employees and see which ones have families, which equals more commitments (bills, college tuition, alimony whatever) thus more likely to put in overtime?
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I have a face like a shovel
dont give them ANY hints that you're checked out...dont leave until you have secured your next gig 100% (and also have another job prospect if that one falls thru).
mega ribs on all of this

also, if you get a new job that pays really well, never lead on that you could always leave if you end up hating it

After treatment- I'm going to go for one of those great paying jobs at Progressive-----Claims adjuster is a shitty job but it pays very well.
As far as I'm concerned I will kayfabe the job interviewer into thinking that I'm going to be a person who wants to move up in the corporation.

In reality, I just want that high paying job to finance me until I have enough saved up, and find a job I actually like. When I find that job, I'll just give Progressive the old "Yeah-um....you know what? you guys have been great to me, but I feel like I can do more with my life. I hope you understand".......Then I'll give my two weeks.......no one in HR will question you having a mid life crisis...
WWAW with christmas parties solely used as a tool by companies to 'size up' employees and see which ones have more commitments (bills, college tuition, alimony whatever) thus more likely to put in overtime?
I feel like Christmas parties are also a “perk” they throw in lieu of a decent end of year raise. Again, at my last job they would throw a fully catered open bar bash but then announce smaller raises each year.

But look, we threw you a “party” because you are like “family” and we appreciate all you guys do. They’d also give us a “gift” bag full of promotional shit with the company logo. I gave all those T-Shirts and beanies to Goodwill. I did get a cool camping mug, which when I got home, I promptly scrubbed their logo off it.


I feel like Christmas parties are also a “perk” they throw in lieu of a decent end of year raise. Again, at my last job they would throw a fully catered open bar bash but then announce smaller raises each year.

But look, we threw you a “party” because you are like “family” and we appreciate all you guys do. They’d also give us a “gift” bag full of promotional shit with the company logo. I gave all those T-Shirts and beanies to Goodwill. I did get a cool camping mug, which when I got home, I promptly scrubbed their logo off it.
Never really thought of that...yeah, how about we skip the festivities and you show me your gratitude with a check, faggots...


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
dont give them ANY hints that you're checked out...dont leave until you have secured your next gig 100% (and also have another job prospect if that one falls thru).
I still get paid on comission so I have to at least put in some effort unless I want shit paychecks and then they would be able to see from my numbers that I really am not putting any effort in. Even if for some reason I did, I could just go back to bartending until I found something else as a place holder so I wouldn't have to scramble to find some shit job to pay the bills or go collect unemployment.