WWAWD insomnia

I haven't gotten a full 8 or even 6 hours of sleep in the last 5 years. For some reason I sleep for 2-4 hours, wake-up, then sleep for another 2-4 hours; I've accepted my shitty sleep schedule, however I'm quite concerned. I've tried melatonin and it helps me fall asleep but not stay asleep.

I have the same thing. Fall asleep at 9, wake around 10.30, then up all night. Then I'm tired as a motherfucker in the morning, which makes going to work pretty hellish.

When I wake up I have this weird cotton feeling in my mouth that doesn't go away for hours.
I only had insomnia for maybe a day or two.

In my late teens and early 20s I experienced sleep paralysis pretty often, and I think I would rather not sleep than confront a shadow demon with red eyes preparing to strangle me while I am unable to move or speak.

Now I fall asleep fine but will routinely wake up at around 3am and then need another 30 minutes to an hour to fall asleep again. I attribute that to permanent changes in my sleep schedule from having kids.


fuck jews
Been there. You couldn't pay me to take that shit. I just want to sleep a solid night, not 2 full days without eating, pissing or shitting.

It really is poison that will fuck up your brain, I can't believe they prescribe that shit to people.

There's a billion things that could prevent sleep but it's generally about consistency. Have a room for designated sleep, try some melatonin, turn off computer/tv/phone, get a new mattress, smoke some weed, wear a blindfold/ear plugs, etc. Too awake - go to the gym for an hour

@CarolMaxheinie what do you have for our star of the stage & silver screen?
Been there. You couldn't pay me to take that shit. I just want to sleep a solid night, not 2 full days without eating, pissing or shitting.
Yeah, seroquel for sleep is just retarded IMO, there are some old-skool short-acting GABAergics which wont retard you for days: Triazolam, Temazepam..

Obviously a natural way is much better, but after 2-3 days without sleep you risk insanity

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
I had it before a few times in really high stress / near burnout scenarios with sleep deprivation like yours on top of it.

The glass shattering, bomb going off scares I could deal with.
What I never want to experience again is when I also hallucinated there was a bright daytime levels of bright orange light came through my bedroom blackout curtains, I thought a nuclear bomb mustve went off for a split sec.

WWAWD being a schizo fuck.
You sure Stone Cold isn't just making a guest appearance?


Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
When I was in the military, there would be whole weeks where I would only get like 2 to 3 hours of sleep.

Since I have been out, I lost a shit ton of pounds and it really helped my sleeping.


The Backbone of America
2 tall glasses of ice cold water before bed...the solution to a lot of problems.
Honestly, I used to make a point of drinking a shit ton of water and I've really dropped the ball on that. Water is like the only beverage I like outside of booze. Its the only thing I'll ever take a big chug of and say "fuck, that's good" aloud.