WWAWD insomnia


The Backbone of America
I've slept like 4 hours over the course of a week. Every time I'm just about to fall asleep I hear glass break or a big bang and it jolts me awake. There's never actually any noise. That's been happening since I was like 20, but it's recently gotten to the point that I get NO sleep. I also keep having dreams before I'm actually fully asleep and I'll start snoring hard but I hear it and it wakes me up. I've never been much of a snorer. The silver lining to all this is it makes it harder for Paul Weimer to rape me in my nightmares.
10pm to 6am in the winter me. It is brilliant.

Currently it's 100f here and our buildings are built to keep warm and have no Aircon so I got about 3 hours sleep and walked the streets/fields most the night. It only got down to around 75f so it was really one of the most enjoyable random nights ever.
10pm to 6am in the winter me. It is brilliant.

Currently it's 100f here and our buildings are built to keep warm and have no Aircon so I got about 3 hours sleep and walked the streets/fields most the night. It only got down to around 75f so it was really one of the most enjoyable random nights ever.
I built an aircon outta a fridge compressor & some computer fans, but I feel ur pain... my boat's hot as fuck


Ain't it fun?
Oh shit. That's exactly what it is.
I had it before a few times in really high stress / near burnout scenarios with sleep deprivation like yours on top of it.

The glass shattering, bomb going off scares I could deal with.
What I never want to experience again is when I also hallucinated there was a bright daytime levels of bright orange light came through my bedroom blackout curtains, I thought a nuclear bomb mustve went off for a split sec.

WWAWD being a schizo fuck.


I've slept like 4 hours over the course of a week. Every time I'm just about to fall asleep I hear glass break or a big bang and it jolts me awake. There's never actually any noise. That's been happening since I was like 20, but it's recently gotten to the point that I get NO sleep. I also keep having dreams before I'm actually fully asleep and I'll start snoring hard but I hear it and it wakes me up. I've never been much of a snorer. The silver lining to all this is it makes it harder for Paul Weimer to rape me in my nightmares.
I'm never sure if your posts are meant to be legit anecdotes from the guy behind the abe vigoda account, or you're pretending to be abe vigoda and this is what he's up to.
Fuckin Christ I hate it. I'm legit nuts not quite bam level but close. Go through it once a month. I'll fall asleep for an hour every two days. Every noise or sudden movement scares the fuck out of you when you haven't slept for days. Your eyes twitch and suicide goes from sad to hilarious. Then you start drinking and taking Xanax. You sleep good for a while then you don't have it anymore and you thought your insomnia was bad then. Forget about it. Before you know it you're posting on ona forums about times you took your cock out and jacked off to the latina neighbor bitch gardening


I've slept like 4 hours over the course of a week. Every time I'm just about to fall asleep I hear glass break or a big bang and it jolts me awake. There's never actually any noise. That's been happening since I was like 20, but it's recently gotten to the point that I get NO sleep. I also keep having dreams before I'm actually fully asleep and I'll start snoring hard but I hear it and it wakes me up. I've never been much of a snorer. The silver lining to all this is it makes it harder for Paul Weimer to rape me in my nightmares.
Weird, I usually sleep pretty well(Once I stopped drinking) , but last night I was having some weird ass dreams and woke up around the time you made this post...

I had sleep paralysis and could hear myself snoring before I was able to actually wake up.
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The Backbone of America
Weird, I usually sleep pretty well(Once I stopped drinking) , but last night I was having some weird ass dreams and woke up around the time you made this post...

I had sleep paralysis and could hear myself snoring before I was able to actually up.
We are one.


I had it before a few times in really high stress / near burnout scenarios with sleep deprivation like yours on top of it.

The glass shattering, bomb going off scares I could deal with.
What I never want to experience again is when I also hallucinated there was a bright daytime levels of bright orange light came through my bedroom blackout curtains, I thought a nuclear bomb mustve went off for a split sec.

WWAWD being a schizo fuck.
I have the thing where whatever I'm dreaming of the whole room starts to violently shake and I'm jolted awake. Been happening for the past 3 months at this point. Fucking awful.
10pm to 6am in the winter me. It is brilliant.

Currently it's 100f here and our buildings are built to keep warm and have no Aircon so I got about 3 hours sleep and walked the streets/fields most the night. It only got down to around 75f so it was really one of the most enjoyable random nights ever.

Just get a cooling gel pad.