
I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Their music stinks but they seem like good guys. It's a tough one.
Yeah they had a good sense of humor about getting ribbed about the magnets thing. They were basically like "whadda we know we're a couple of idiots". Their fans however are awful subhumans. If I was terminally ill I'd suicide bomb the gathering of the juggalos


I don't know much about them other than this song:

It's not something I'd listen to, but I actually like the sentiment behind it. The world is filled with wonder and these redditor types that dismiss anything that doesn't fit inside their gay little materialist/scientism box can go jump in a lake as far as I'm concerned. Go "trust the experts" and get some VAIDS injected into you and be an evolutionary dead end to fight "climate change," faggot.


whoop whoop, nice to see some fellow juggalos here. i've been to the gathering twice. it's so sad what's happening to violent J, he is a legend!


Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I grew up in the Flint Mi area so I heard about them like 2 maybe 3 years before they made it "big".

I can't stand the music, not saying it's bad, I just can't stand rap.

But the 2 dudes seem pretty legit. I just watched that Steve-o's pod cast with the one, it was pretty dope. The one was happy as fuck about being able to pay for his girl's schooling in full. How many rappers or anyone some what famous would brag about that? legit dudes.

Plus, they pissed Eminem off a number of times back in the day. That made a fake song called "Slim Anus" making fun of that faggot and it's great how much of pussy Em ended up looking. The whole feud started over a music flyer and Em was too much of a pussy to go up to ICP and ask if he could open for them (or something like that).


I don't know much about them other than this song:

It's not something I'd listen to, but I actually like the sentiment behind it. The world is filled with wonder and these redditor types that dismiss anything that doesn't fit inside their gay little materialist/scientism box can go jump in a lake as far as I'm concerned. Go "trust the experts" and get some VAIDS injected into you and be an evolutionary dead end to fight "climate change," faggot.

Holy shit I never knew that was an ICP song. I remember hearing it on some radio playing when I was in a head shop probably 10 years ago. I couldn't even remember any of the lyrics, just the flow and the beat.

I'm not even saying this as a smart ass, but thank you for posting that music video. I probably wouldn't have found it otherwise.

I guess I'm an ICP fan.


I don't know much about them other than this song:

It's not something I'd listen to, but I actually like the sentiment behind it. The world is filled with wonder and these redditor types that dismiss anything that doesn't fit inside their gay little materialist/scientism box can go jump in a lake as far as I'm concerned. Go "trust the experts" and get some VAIDS injected into you and be an evolutionary dead end to fight "climate change," faggot.
You believe in evolution?

Wow. Okay.


You believe in evolution?

Wow. Okay.
To answer this literally like an autistic, I believe in micro but not macro evolution. Obviously different races developed according to their particular geographical circumstances, but all that Yuval Noah Harari horseshit about how we developed eyes because of a need to see is retarded nonsense.


To answer this literally like an autistic, I believe in micro but not macro evolution. Obviously different races developed according to their particular geographical circumstances, but all that Yuval Noah Harari horseshit about how we developed eyes because of a need to see is retarded nonsense.
Based and creationpilled.
The music is pretty bad and their fans can be really gay about the whole thing, but they don't really annoy or bother me in any specific way. If you don't like it, that whole scene is easily enough ignored. It's not like anyone is ramming ICP down anyone's throat, you have to actively go out and find their stupid subculture, unlike the way the media is always fawning over shitty nog pop like Beyonce or Kanye West.
I’m not quite obsessed with them, but every August I am close. I have a friend who got me into them. I follow their subculture and love looking at the photos from the gathering. I honestly thought they were a novelty act like along the lines of being the weird Al of rap, first time I heard their stuff. I thought they were doing a bit, the music was so horrible and the lyrics made me loff.

But they grew on me over time and their fanbase seem like decent people. It’s all poverty class, lower class, and working class so it’s kind of cool there is something out there that they can get behind that’s not all about status.

It’s on my bucket list to attend the gathering once. But I’d have to stay in a hotel or rent a nice RV. I definitely want to be able to shower and sleep on real ass sheets.

The people look like they stink of weed, body odor and earth. I guess I better go soon because they have been scaling back due to Violent J’s health issues and all.

Related to ICP, and bringing it back to OnA, I legit like Wolfpac.
I don’t know anything about them, and I always just lumped them in with groups like Slipknot and GWAR if that makes sense. If I insulted any juggalos please forgive me.