WWAWD glam rock

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.

I only knew Slade for Cum On Feel the Noize. This is PFG stuff, brotherman. Thx.

I had a thing for a half-Japanese bassist who was TOTALLY into glam rock, so I tried to get into it. We shared a love of drugs and drinking, just needed a third interest to take it to the next level, I thought at the time. Made out once. Fucked twice. She told me she had HPV in the middle of the second.

"But not the pussy cancer kind," she said. So I kept going.


These guys were overrated and one was definitely fawkin kids. Seems to be a glam thing. Johnny Thunders had some good songs though [MEDIA=youtube]6wplJXrz-ak[/MEDIA]

I know nothing about them, only that Morrissey is a big fan of them. Sounds a bit like Lou Reed/Velvet Underground to me.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I really like Japan, their earlier work is a lot more glam rock than their later though.

I love David Sylvian's solo work even more, but it's no glam rock at all.

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I really like Japan, their earlier work is a lot more glam rock than their later though.

I love David Sylvian's solo work even more, but it's no glam rock at all.

LOVE Japan. Do you like Sylvian's solo stuff? Dead Bees on a Cake is a pretty great album (you can't top Brilliant Trees and Gone to Earth though).


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
LOVE Japan. Do you like Sylvian's solo stuff? Dead Bees on a Cake is a pretty great album (you can't top Brilliant Trees and Gone to Earth though).
Secrets of the Beehive and Gone to Earth have to be my favourites, Brilliant Trees is also great, Dead Bees on a Cake is really good, but i prefer his earlier solo stuff.

Everything he made after that is too avant garde for me, but i respect that he makes the music he truly wants to make.

His music really transforms me to another place, almost no other artist is able to do this like him.

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