WWAWD ghost of Tsushima?

Not a huge gamer but I fuck around when something is good. Rdr2 bioshock fallout besides 4 witcher3 dark souls blood borne. Cod for nostalgia purposes. But this motherfucker might be the best game I've ever played. Any other fags ever play it?

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I have heard nothing but good things. I cant put in the time to beat those type of games anymore. I get sick of video games after about two hours.
isnt like 1/3 of Asia his offspring today?
I was wondering about that it's the thing that blows my fucking mind. Just googled it

8 percent of the men living in the region of the former Mongol empire carry y-chromosomes that are nearly identical. That translates to 0.5 percent of the male population in the world, or roughly 16 million descendants living today.

That's a lot of fucking and raping. I sincerely admire that


Ahh so this game gets gay? I'm only an hour or so into it. Sekiro is more like a souls game right ? I was debating between the two and went with ghosts.
Sekiro is like dark souls in that you die and enemies respawn. Almost none of your skills from Dark Souls will transfer over since the combat is much more fluid and fast paced. One of my favorite games in recent memory I highly recommend it.
It's the only thing really wrong with it. It's just an (((odd))) character decision. I wouldn't dwell on it as it doesn't ruin the game.
I can deal with that thanks snake. Idk why the fuck they needed her sexual preference in a game about chinks getting destroyed by the mongrel empire but jews will try to ruin anything they can. You working on anything rn? Any Dan or Dan's wife or her bulls, drawings? I mean he did like your artwork
Sekiro is like dark souls in that you die and enemies respawn. Almost none of your skills from Dark Souls will transfer over since the combat is much more fluid and fast paced. One of my favorite games in recent memory I highly recommend it.
Fuck I wanted to play that since it came out I'm going to get that next. I played nioh the jap dark souls. Sekiro looked fuckin cool as shit but so many people were sucking ghost of Tsushima that I grabbed it. I suck as souls games btw I just love them. You any good at those games? I really want to be good at it but only beat nioh cuz it's way easier


I can deal with that thanks snake. Idk why the fuck they needed her sexual preference in a game about chinks getting destroyed by the mongrel empire but jews will try to ruin anything they can. You working on anything rn? Any Dan or Dan's wife or her bulls, drawings? I mean he did like your artwork
It's such a out of no where decision to make the one woman a dyke. Like it doesn't add anything to the plot other than she likes sideways cunt. But, they don't hyper focus on it and it's just a means to an end why one character is the way they are towards another. But other than that, there's no globohomo shit that I recall. Online is great to do survival with three other people. The DLC is pretty good too and worth grabbing. I think it's 10 hours extra of game if you 100% it. It takes place after the main game on an island near Tsushima and I believe from the higher points of the map you can see mainland Japan in the distance.

And no, I'm not working on anything right now.
It's such a out of no where decision to make the one woman a dyke. Like it doesn't add anything to the plot other than she likes sideways cunt. But, they don't hyper focus on it and it's just a means to an end why one character is the way they are towards another. But other than that, there's no globohomo shit that I recall. Online is great to do survival with three other people. The DLC is pretty good too and worth grabbing. I think it's 10 hours extra of game if you 100% it. It takes place after the main game on an island near Tsushima and I believe from the higher points of the map you can see mainland Japan in the distance.

And no, I'm not working on anything right now.
Thanks tone I got the full shit so I guess I'll be doing this shit this weekend. Ah man the board needs a mullen wife's bull artwork piece. But you're a busy man.
Usually sports or racing games. They have a time limit. So Ill get a couple games or races in and Ive had my fill.
I hear you I play a lot of 2k and Madden and fifa when I have someone to play with. Actually looking to buy a racing game rn but don't want anything too realistic. I'm nostalgic for the racing games of the 2000s


Im not rlly into vidya but I played hotline miami and dark souls coz of this sub and loved them.

I think tony suggested this game and I was almost gonna get it. I might finally.