Wwawd fat women who won't leave your apartment after you fuck them

Consensual Rapist

私は爆発的な下痢をしています! ^_^
Had this skinny BPD trainwreck fall for me once - four days of extremely rough sex later she started getting weird like falling in love with me and shit. Anyways I threw her over my shoulder like a bag of concrete and carried her kicking and screaming outside, made sure she had her shoes and purse.

This is why you don't fuck fatties - they're too hard to move manually. And yes, this chick called me the same night talking sweet and all that shit. I listened for a while as I got high and finally got her off the phone. Women, amirite?
Next time, just toss a cake outside. She’ll be on that faster than nana on a 9 year old.


Knee Deep in the Hoopla
She was asian, She got mouthy on the hiking trail. I combed my quaff and gave her a sweet chin music oopsie daysie off the side of the cliff and promptly appeared on Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude to give my alibi. Won't see her nomo.
What happened to the Zip Car?



Get up here and shut up!
Not only reliable pussy but ....... they give the best head on the planet.
Meh, both fatties I got duped into were mediocre at best. What made it worse was one of them farted a few times in their sleep. MILF's are another story.

WWAW drunkingly fucking a broad so fat it took a few thrusts to realize you only made it to her thighs? Phones are fawkin lit.


Meh, both fatties I got duped into were mediocre at best. What made it worse was one of them farted a few times in their sleep. MILF's are another story.

WWAW drunkingly fucking a broad so fat it took a few thrusts to realize you only made it to her thighs? Phones are fawkin lit.
Same. I was told by a good friend that this one dumpy chick I knew sucked amazing dick, and it was terrible. No more chunkers after that. Best head I ever got was from a skinny redhead stripper.