WWAWD Dont Say Gay

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Shouldn’t pedophiles love this law? I would think that having them uneducated would them them easier to manipulate.

I don’t have or touch kids though so maybe I’m way off base here?
What school has ever taught kids about pedophiles? I think in 6th grade we read something about bad touch or something gay. Parents are the ones who tell their kids about strangers and what’s not acceptable and blah blah blah. You’re right that pedos want dumber kids (weird how that lines up with the education system) but it’s parents that ultimately that make their attempts harder.


Five Sink Gangster Cribs
At what point will these sodomites overplay their card in the eyes of the public? It is sick, what they are getting away with.


What school has ever taught kids about pedophiles? I think in 6th grade we read something about bad touch or something gay. Parents are the ones who tell their kids about strangers and what’s not acceptable and blah blah blah. You’re right that pedos want dumber kids (weird how that lines up with the education system) but it’s parents that ultimately that make their attempts harder.
I'm in @covidcumia age bracket and they had stranger danger school films on the projector or 16mm or whatever-- one was a kid being invited into his older male neighbor's house under the guise of getting a glass of lemonade/some cookies (also eventually used as pedo bait in To Catch a Predator and probably not a coincidence).

Growing up in the 80's you were aware of pedo's- you just avoided them and you kind of knew who the town creeps were...

It's at the 5:31 mark and discussed by Louis CK on an SNL monolog.


Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I'm in @covidcumia age bracket and they had stranger danger school films on the projector or 16mm or whatever-- one was a kid being invited into his older male neighbor's house under the guise of getting a glass of lemonade/some cookies (also eventually used as pedo bait in To Catch a Predator and probably not a coincidence).

Growing up in the 80's you were aware of pedo's- you just avoided them and you kind of knew who the town creeps were...

It's at the 5:31 mark and discussed by Louis CK on an SNL monolog.

Yeah I never had that. I think I was like 8 or 9 when there was the “bad touch” thing. We always knew who the creeps were though, whether your parents hinted at it or just instincts. My point was it’s not like it’s a major topic in schools anyways. That’s your instincts and parents jobs as it is. Just like it’s not the schools job to tell an 8 year old he’s gay because he wears mommy’s shoes and carries a doll around. That’s dads job to call him a faggot.


Yeah I never had that. I think I was like 8 or 9 when there was the “bad touch” thing. We always knew who the creeps were though, whether your parents hinted at it or just instincts. My point was it’s not like it’s a major topic in schools anyways. That’s your instincts and parents jobs as it is. Just like it’s not the schools job to tell an 8 year old he’s gay because he wears mommy’s shoes and carries a doll around. That’s dads job to call him a faggot.
The 70's and 80's were a different time.
They mis named it in the press intentionally because that‘s what leftist faggots do when you try and stop their ability to groom children