WWAWD Daylight Savings Time


Shock Jock
Your JOB, Mr Lebowski. What do you do for a living???
Fixing peoples roofs and gutters

View from the fawkin office today


It times pretty gud. I think next year we don’t do this horseshit


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Love how they decided "it will reset in the middle of the night" so you'll lose sleep rather than lose an hour of WORK.

God forbid we do it in the middle of the day at Noon. No no, let's do it in the middle of the night at 3 AM, the least convenient time possible. So from 3 AM until everyone wake up, all the clocks are wrong until people manually change them.

Shit like daylight savings makes me think that the people of the past were just presumptuous fucking idiots.
The Daily Shoah covered this briefly today -- apparently they were going to repeal DST and the only opposition was Orthodox Jews (they have to pray when the sun comes up or something and DST so they like DST). But almost everyone else hates it. The point Sven made was that this works just like everything else in our government. Something can be wildly unpopular, but because Jews want it, they get it.