CuntFucker .

#1 Poster
I enjoyed the faawwwk out of Jagged Alliance 3. Now I'm looking for another one. Wasteland 3 kind of annoys me, Wasteland 2 was much better. I also started Planescape: Torment. It's kind of a piece of shit. There are brilliant moments, and I'll probably finish it for those moments, slowly on the side, but the annoyances in-between are ridiculous. Maybe I'll re-play Dragon Age.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Have you played the first two Jagged Alliances? Those blow the third out of the water. Wasteland 2 is great. What about Fallout 1 or 2? Arcanum?
Fallout 1 and 2 were absolutely Godlike for their time. But the controls are awful now and very frustrating. The games are built like the old point and click adventure games like Monkey Island and are beyond tedious. They could really use a comprehensive overhaul to get them some modern controls and shortcuts beyond whatever mods the fans have made.


I'm black Irish

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
Anybody playing the new Baldur’s Gate? Is it good?

Apparently they hired some "woke" woman as one of the writers and there is some fairly pozzed shit, but by all accounts it's not shoved down your throat and is optional if you want it there or not. I haven't played it myself though so i can't say if that's the case or not. Larian Studios have made some great games in the past though, Divinity: Original Sin 2 is one of the best rpgs ever made.


I have a face like a shovel
I'm a consolefag (quote me on the "fag" part), and BG3 is the only thing that's extending my life at the moment

I just that I don't go on a DnD kick, and actually want to venture out to real tabletop games with other people involved