WWAWD black wall street?

Even if the black community was given EVERYTHING back to them that they claim was taken, they wouldn't know what to do with it. I'm sorry, it's just true.

I would gladly pay money for the government just to rebuild "their" wall Street just to watch them burn it all down.
My favorite argument is they bitch about colonialism of Africa, how they were robbed of resources... that sat for thousands of years of modern man completely untouched.

Nigger pseudo humans like to pretend they're anything but failures for the last 6,000 years. They buy into this whole White supremacist fad keeping them down. It's not about Whites being better than everyone else. Most White nationalists don't even take that stance, it's just an agreement that niggers are beneath everyone.


Forget about that, ever heard of the "Black Pentagon?"

the KKK destroyed it, what with the arson, and the white racism, on account it was just a little hut.

Morse code n shit.


Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
Even if the black community was given EVERYTHING back to them that they claim was taken, they wouldn't know what to do with it. I'm sorry, it's just true.

I would gladly pay money for the government just to rebuild "their" wall Street just to watch them burn it all down.
My favorite argument is they bitch about colonialism of Africa, how they were robbed of resources... that sat for thousands of years of modern man completely untouched.

Nigger pseudo humans like to pretend they're anything but failures for the last 6,000 years. They buy into this whole White supremacist fad keeping them down. It's not about Whites being better than everyone else. Most White nationalists don't even take that stance, it's just an agreement that niggers are beneath everyone.
isnt this the whole "its all so tiresome" meme documentree all about, the chinaman was tired of niggers not learning a single thing from european and just let the euro built railroad collecting dust
