WWAW With Chinese People Being Inhuman Insects?

Chinese tourist are the worst if you live in a tourist heavy area like I do but it’s a hundred times more wild being there. Imagine Chinese tourists in China. I was standing in line to go to the forbidden city and people would just walk right up to the window like we weren’t even there. And people had babies that just had giant cut out holes in their pants instead of diapers so they’d just kiss and shit in the street. And this wasn’t off in the corner or anything, I was in that big square where government buildings are and Chairman Mao is on display and kids were just pissing on the sidewalk. There’s just no regard for any other people, I thought for sure I would be killed crossing the street or something because people would just drive even if there were pedestrians there. And of course people tried to sell me things all day every day because I’m a 6 foot tall white guy and I stuck out like a sore thumb. I used to think the Japanese were savages for what they did but I kind of get it now.
I live somewhere pretty so we get Chinese tourists visiting Europe and having "pre wedding" photos taken in full wedding dress etc before their wedding day


I live somewhere pretty so we get Chinese tourists visiting Europe and having "pre wedding" photos taken in full wedding dress etc before their wedding day
They are also infatuated with squirrels. There’s a million squirrels around the national mall area and they’ll go right up to people because they get food all the time. Do they not have squirrels in China?
They're literally locusts - they eat everything that moves. They have thousands of fishing vessels that are stripping the oceans bare. Chinese waters have no life left in them so these things go to Africa or South America and just take everything. And don't even get me started on how they buy up land in other countries and just strip it of it's water and food resources.

I'm not sure what's different this year but baby formula shortages have been a thing for a while because Chinese people hop on planes and buy everything and then take it back to China to resell. That can be said for almost every good that has Chinese demand, remember hand sanitizer and mask shortages in 2020, that was thanks to chinks buying everything up to resell.
It's fun to watch China slapping the shit out of American foreign policy. Giving loans to foreign governments to build infrastructure, then insisting they use Chinese suppliers seems to be doing a lot better for them than the "duh duh bomb everybody, sanctions here and there, arm this rebel group" strategy of the West. Also yes they will eat anything, says more about pussified Westerners than it does them (chicken beef pork fish lamb, nice 5/one billion options, stupids). China is the workshop of the world, they build shit, all of the factories around where I grew up are now swanky red brick apartments for graphic designer types. Yuck.


Chinese tourist are the worst if you live in a tourist heavy area like I do but it’s a hundred times more wild being there. Imagine Chinese tourists in China. I was standing in line to go to the forbidden city and people would just walk right up to the window like we weren’t even there. And people had babies that just had giant cut out holes in their pants instead of diapers so they’d just kiss and shit in the street. And this wasn’t off in the corner or anything, I was in that big square where government buildings are and Chairman Mao is on display and kids were just pissing on the sidewalk. There’s just no regard for any other people, I thought for sure I would be killed crossing the street or something because people would just drive even if there were pedestrians there. And of course people tried to sell me things all day every day because I’m a 6 foot tall white guy and I stuck out like a sore thumb. I used to think the Japanese were savages for what they did but I kind of get it now.
So you're not 6-1 is what you're saying and you never had a chance with milla jovovich?
It's fun to watch China slapping the shit out of American foreign policy. Giving loans to foreign governments to build infrastructure, then insisting they use Chinese suppliers seems to be doing a lot better for them than the "duh duh bomb everybody, sanctions here and there, arm this rebel group" strategy of the West. Also yes they will eat anything, says more about pussified Westerners than it does them (chicken beef pork fish lamb, nice 5/one billion options, stupids). China is the workshop of the world, they build shit, all of the factories around where I grew up are now swanky red brick apartments for graphic designer types. Yuck.
It's going to be fun watching America cope with losing the top spot. It sends a country insane.


Five Sink Gangster Cribs
Other cultures, other habits.
Many Indian people are disgusted at the thought of defecating in a specially designated room in their house.
If the Chinese enjoy eating dog food, i don't give a care.