WWAW With Chinese People Being Inhuman Insects?



Didn’t even read this as I already believe this to be true. You are what you eat.
My gf is pretty based. I went on a drunken rant (before COVID) about how awful Chinese people are and that they're basically insects, and she was mortified. Three years later, and she now subscribes to my newsletter: Chinese People Are Insects And Need To Be Treated As Such.

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
They seem pretty human when they’re moaning and cumming on my dick
I’ve never fucked an Asian. Are there pussies really sideways? I remember when I was 7 years old playing doctor with my Jap neighbor in the basement, that was the first time I ever touched a pussy. I saw pictures of her online recently and she’s basically an Insta-THOT.. posing half naked all sprawled out on the hood of some muscle car. Her parents must be so proud. I imagine they both would’ve committed seppuku by now out of shame
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Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
i think it's fucked up that they will kill a bengal tiger or white rino just to make a tea from the animal's penis so that they can get their little dicks hard! you can just go to bluechew.com and type in code OpieRadio and those pills will get your dick harder than any tiger penis tea can!
Opieradio is not sponsored by blue chew tho


Chinese tourist are the worst if you live in a tourist heavy area like I do but it’s a hundred times more wild being there. Imagine Chinese tourists in China. I was standing in line to go to the forbidden city and people would just walk right up to the window like we weren’t even there. And people had babies that just had giant cut out holes in their pants instead of diapers so they’d just kiss and shit in the street. And this wasn’t off in the corner or anything, I was in that big square where government buildings are and Chairman Mao is on display and kids were just pissing on the sidewalk. There’s just no regard for any other people, I thought for sure I would be killed crossing the street or something because people would just drive even if there were pedestrians there. And of course people tried to sell me things all day every day because I’m a 6 foot tall white guy and I stuck out like a sore thumb. I used to think the Japanese were savages for what they did but I kind of get it now.