WWAW weak stereotypes


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Like the blacks and the orange and grape soda? That one is true.
They do be lovin that fruit soda.

I never understood why blacks flex about washcloths. How is using a dirty ass washcloth that absorbs bacteria and shit particles cleaner than a bar of soap?
Yeah, I don’t get that one either. I usually use a new one each time, but I’ve also done just the bar of soap and been fine.

I’m just curious about the origin of that one. Did they get it from some commercial where they saw a white person just using soap. They wouldn’t be dumb enough to base a stereotype on a soap commercial, would they?


Yeah, I don’t get that one either. I usually use a new one each time, but I’ve also done just the bar of soap and been fine.

I’m just curious about the origin of that one. Did they get it from some commercial where they saw a white person just using soap. They wouldn’t be dumb enough to base a stereotype on a soap commercial, would they?
A new soap for each shower? Wtf?