WWAW Trump getting raided by the FBI


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
It’s political theater.

You’re a politician that gets raided by the FBI and you release a letter with MKULTRA words like “radical leftists” and “weaponization” of our justice system.

Whether I’m right or wrong it’s not good in any way. We have a proxy war with Russia, started shit with China last week, hiring extra IRS agents to steal every last penny from taxpayers, and now this.

I’d say our future as a country is bright.


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
This, desantis is a way better candidate. Nevertheless I don't think we are going to have any more republican presidents. Replacement migration has done its job. The US will become like Canada, a "democracy" in which one party wins every single election and members of the other side are routinely thrown in prison like a third world banana republic.
Especially with all the new IRS agents coming aboard

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
My real feelings. Couldnt care less. It wouldnt effect me one bit if he fell over dead right now. Only downside is listening to Pig oink away.