WWAW Trump getting raided by the FBI


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
It's no coincidence that they're doing this shortly before the midterms. I think it will ultimately backfire on the dems though because the best thing that can happen for R's is to get Trump out of the way so they can put all their support behind DeSantis in 2 years
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It's no coincidence that they're doing this shortly before the midterms. I think it will ultimately backfire on the dems though because the best thing that can happen for R's is to get Trump out of the way so they can put all their support behind DeSantis in 2 years
This, desantis is a way better candidate. Nevertheless I don't think we are going to have any more republican presidents. Replacement migration has done its job. The US will become like Canada, a "democracy" in which one party wins every single election and members of the other side are routinely thrown in prison like a third world banana republic.
This isn’t going to lead anywhere. Remember when Robert Mueller was days away from an indictment? Or when the Ukraine call was gonna bring him down? Those January 6th hearings are really heating up, aren’t they?

He won’t be charged. If you charge him, you have to charge all of them


Still spreading the O&A virus
Russians too, he's been in their pocket for years. He's fucked over more people than just about anyone, so if he gets his, I don't care.
None of the (((Russians))) that Trump served were actually from Aryan or Christian backgrounds. They are like Putin or Zelenskyy in that they are jews that simply act like they are White with longstanding ties to whatever nation their currently ruining. Trump himself is likely jewish as his grandfather was deeply involved in jewish affairs and his brother went to jewish schools. I think some of Trump's close relatives are even buried in jewish cemeteries. Entire family reeks.