WWAW This guy and his mutant child


you ever think this dad brings his kid to Dr. Xavier's School for Gifted Children, and Dr. Xavier says to Cyclops (via telepathy) "the fuck am i supposed to do with this?!"
Coloss(al) Mistake.

BTW, recovering comic fag here. There was an issue of X-Men where a kid discovers his mutant powers, only his power is to cause everyone around him to spontaneously combust. He accidentally kills his entire town population and hides in a cave, where Wolverine is sent to go there and kill him since there’s no way to safely teach him to control his abilities.



I have a face like a shovel
Coloss(al) Mistake.

BTW, recovering comic fag here. There was an issue of X-Men where a kid discovers his mutant powers, only his power is to cause everyone around him to spontaneously combust. He accidentally kills his entire town population and hides in a cave, where Wolverine is sent to go there and kill him since there’s no way to safely teach him to control his abilities.

omg this sounds awesome/totally fucked up

I just got Marvel Unlimited a couple of months ago, and I wanted to read the full Claremont run because I couldn't as a kid.

I haven't got to this story yet.

given how benevolent Dr. Xavier is, I can't see how he can do this.