WWAW The Woman King? A movie which will give Nana a solid hour and a half of content


Powdered Toast Man
Only woke idiots are mystified by the idea of a "woman king". It's called a queen, stupids.

It's like THE BLACK PRESIDENT all over again except an Obama movie would have an actual title instead of half a tagline.
The great thing is this trailer has been playing perhaps every other commercial break during the past couple UFC events.

I mean, if they set their advertising and promotion budget on fire in downtown Cleveland they might get a better conversion rate from the news stories.


Access to the Debates
Looks like woke garbage but at least they are trying to make a new story relating to African history rather than taking established white characters or historical figures and turning them black.

Let’s see how interested people are in supporting black stuff, or if they just wanted the same old with a colourful coating to make themselves feel good. I think we all suspect it’s the latter.


Certain parts of Africa (The Horn of Africa, Northern Sudan) had an established and well-documented presence in antiquity, but West and Central Africa, like the American Great Plains, was always scarcely inhabited and primeval. The thing is, Dahomey, was like a nigger version of the modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a non-White state created by and solely existing because of White civilizational needs. ie artificial, and using (((Holywood))) depictions to speak on history is peak rube behavior.

Ethiopia had colonies and shit outside the continent.