WWAW The Woman King? A movie which will give Nana a solid hour and a half of content


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Unfortunately for niggers, they never did anything historical worth noting

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Even the women wuz kangz!

There's something about every race/ethnicity/nation that gets completely ass fucked (buck broken) where they have to then create mythological stories about how they were secretly the best ever. Tiny nations always talk up their shit military like they're somehow imbued with supernatural ability.
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What a devastating own-goal.
Dahomey, the African "nation" that supplied slaves to whitey. But surely under the reign of The Woman King, it was a utopia, where everyone danced and sang and twerked. Other than Egypt and cool wild animals, Africa provided nothing of any real cultural significance. Africans only established a relevant history after they were forced to assimilate in civilized nations, as they couldn't very well chase zebras in Memphis or St. Louis. These fanciful tales of thriving, peaceful, bountiful African kingdoms that were cruelly pillaged by the white man are all fantasy. Just like in modern-day black communities, the strong imposed their will upon their weak counterparts and took full advantage of them at every opportunity.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
One of the most powerful state in Africa. Yes witness the splendor of our cow shit huts, with space age thatch roof. Revel in the fact that we can't engineer anything over one story high. Marvel at the fact that we never invented the wheel, even though thousands of other tribes across the globe did it thousands of years before. Be amazed that our citizens have no word or concept of the future or numbers past 4!


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Dahomey, the African "nation" that supplied slaves to whitey. But surely under the reign of The Woman King, it was a utopia, where everyone danced and sang and twerked. Other than Egypt and cool wild animals, Africa provided nothing of any real cultural significance. Africans only established a relevant history after they were forced to assimilate in civilized nations, as they couldn't very well chase zebras in Memphis or St. Louis. These fanciful tales of thriving, peaceful, bountiful African kingdoms that were cruelly pillaged by the white man are all fantasy. Just like in modern-day black communities, the strong imposed their will upon their weak counterparts and took full advantage of them at every opportunity.
Some successful ex slaves promptly bought slaves themselves. Those who moved to Liberia subjugated the local savages and later they ate each other
One of the most powerful state in Africa. Yes witness the splendor of our cow shit huts, with space age thatch roof. Revel in the fact that we can't engineer anything over one story high. Marvel at the fact that we never invented the wheel, even though thousands of other tribes across the globe did it thousands of years before. Be amazed that our citizens have no word or concept of the future or numbers past 4!
All relevant "black history" occurred after they were brought to real countries and forced to assimilate. No one in Africa was ever going to invent the cotton gin or the peanut, they'd have been too busy chasing zebras and tripping on ibogaine. Take away Egypt and cool wild animals and Africa has had no cultural impact at all, anywhere. So they try to fill in the gaps with malarkey like "Kwanzaa" and other fanciful, make-believe nonsense.
Holy fuck I just saw the trailer for this shit. Why donthey have steel swords?! They were still in the stone age at that time! No bronze or iron, there was zero concept of forging hard metals at all! It makes as much sense if they had cars!
That trailer was a tough watch, man. As I assumed, there was a magical happy African kingdom, where everyone sang and danced all the time. Then evil white folk attacked them and tried to enslave them. But they fought back, using their special black wisdom and courage, plus women. Just like it really happened, with some small minor changes.

By this point in American history, the coloreds ought to be celebrating their successful assimilation into American culture, but at the moment they're too busy with shooting one another over who gets to sell fentanyl in front of which bombed-out husk of a building. So historical revisionism it is!