WWAW The Way This Chick Eats Pizza


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Hah, I eat pizza like that. But only reheated pizza in the microwave, the perfect temperature is too hot to touch but not hot enough to burn the upper roof of your mouth. So you push the slice to the edge of your plate and take that first nibble like a little mouse. By the time you've chewed (thoroughly) and swallowed the rest of it has cooled down enough to pick up.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Hah, I eat pizza like that. But only reheated pizza in the microwave, the perfect temperature is too hot to touch but not hot enough to burn the upper roof of your mouth. So you push the slice to the edge of your plate and take that first nibble like a little mouse. By the time you've chewed (thoroughly) and swallowed the rest of it has cooled down enough to pick up.
Retard nibbles.


5foot9 and an attitude
reminded me of that artie drawing as she picked up the plate
