WWAW the water?



Like a year ago I started making an effort to drink a ton of water everyday and it makes a huge difference. Hangovers arent as bad, solid poops. All in with the hydrating
There are so many kind of bullshit hangover cures (fried breakfast, coffee, coca-cola, ginger ale, hot shower, sex, wank etc) and there is some truth in all of them but literally the only one that works is 2 large glasses of water.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
All very nice selections. Where we at with a nice hot cup of Earl Grey or Rooibos?
Earl Grey is nice, I used to really dislike it but then I had it given to me by accident at a cafe and found it to be pretty good. For me, I like it on the weaker side.

Rooibos I haven’t tried.


Been on a big water kick lately and realized that for the last few years I’ve been a massive Tomlinson: too much beer / alcohol and almost no water, plus a fair amount of caffeine each day.

How do the brothamen here like to get their water? Where we at with the sparkling water? I’m all in with it. Gives me some gassers though
Nothing better, brothaman to cleanse your body than a big glass of ice water.