WWAW The Warriors?


This forum saved my life!

Imagine your acting career was so shit you go to reunions in cosplay. Also is that Pat with aids on the left?


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Imagine your acting career was so shit you go to reunions in cosplay. Also is that Pat with aids on the left?
They don't do it for the fun of it. These guys make a decent living just from signing at conventions. For guys of their caliber, they don't get paid to show up, but rather pay for their own table. Even after that, I bet they pull in at least $10k each for a weekend at a big convention and $1-2k for a weekend at a smaller one... and they pay cash! Plus they're probably banging a lady every now and then, so I'll wear an OK-ish looking vest past my prime. Way more dignified than other people wearing more embarrassing shit.


This forum saved my life!
They don't do it for the fun of it. These guys make a decent living just from signing at conventions. For guys of their caliber, they don't get paid to show up, but rather pay for their own table. Even after that, I bet they pull in at least $10k each for a weekend at a big convention and $1-2k for a weekend at a smaller one... and they pay cash! Plus they're probably banging a lady every now and then, so I'll wear an OK-ish looking vest past my prime. Way more dignified than other people wearing more embarrassing shit.
I bet they don't declare that cash either but at least get some accurate vests ffs, they look nothing like the movie ones.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
They don't do it for the fun of it. These guys make a decent living just from signing at conventions. For guys of their caliber, they don't get paid to show up, but rather pay for their own table. Even after that, I bet they pull in at least $10k each for a weekend at a big convention and $1-2k for a weekend at a smaller one... and they pay cash! Plus they're probably banging a lady every now and then, so I'll wear an OK-ish looking vest past my prime. Way more dignified than other people wearing more embarrassing shit.
Same with the cast of star trek TNG. A lot of them don't have much going on so they make a living hitting up cons. Hell even Patrick Stewart does it, though from what I've heard it's cists like 100 bucks just to get a picture taken with him. People shit on shatner for not really being into the star trek fandom, but let's face it, these actors have a selfish reason to be so enthusiastic about it


Go work. Get Sandwiches
The movie is a instant classic. The video game serves it well.
It's one of the few cases where the director's cut is worse than the theatrical release. In the "Ultimate Director's Cut" DVD, Walter Hill put in these gay looking comic book interstitials that take away what little grittiness a movie with roving gangs of baseball fags can have:

@fenrir The car crash isn't for you. It's for that fucking Blu Ray cut. I own it. It's so bad.


Same with the cast of star trek TNG. A lot of them don't have much going on so they make a living hitting up cons. Hell even Patrick Stewart does it, though from what I've heard it's cists like 100 bucks just to get a picture taken with him. People shit on shatner for not really being into the star trek fandom, but let's face it, these actors have a selfish reason to be so enthusiastic about it
If the Warriors make a decent living, Star Trek guys make a *killing*. Anybody from that cast makes in a bad weekend what we make in a year.