WWAW the trailer of She-hulk

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me

i like that they are actually making shows from the more bat shit marvel properties

if this works, we could actually get fun and dark and exciting movies based on good comics for once




Stand Alone Fruit
I saw they announced at SDCC the Marvel movie schedule for 2023 - 2025 and I hope it’s the end of all this shit. The schedule shows they’re running out of characters to put in movies so hopefully fatigue finally sets in.


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
I saw they announced at SDCC the Marvel movie schedule for 2023 - 2025 and I hope it’s the end of all this shit. The schedule shows they’re running out of characters to put in movies so hopefully fatigue finally sets in.
You will be very surprised! The only way this incessant capeshit movie era is going away is if they start flopping one after the other and I don't think fatigue is setting in yet somehow, which amazes me almost 15 years into it. Thankfully it's coming up on a decade that I last saw any MAHVEL horseshit, there's way better films out there being produced every day.


Stand Alone Fruit
You will be very surprised! The only way this incessant capeshit movie era is going away is if they start flopping one after the other and I don't think fatigue is setting in yet somehow, which amazes me almost 15 years into it. Thankfully it's coming up on a decade that I last saw any MAHVEL horseshit, there's way better films out there being produced every day.
Yeah I’m hoping that since they’ve run the main characters (Captain America, Iron Main, etc) into the ground and some have been killed off it will lead to people not being into the B and C list Marvel Characters. They had to keep bringing RDJ into the spin off movies even though he costs a ton of money (I know he gets paid big up front AND when it passes a certain box office number) but now have to rely on the not as popular characters. I’m hoping the fans don’t react / care much about the new movies because they’re getting to the bottom of the barrel for characters.

Then again these fans seems to have the smallest attention spans and will LOVE whatever comes out even if it’s not as good as the previous but will say it’s the BEST MARVEL MOVIE YET! Until the next one comes out. These types think these generic paint by numbers super hero movies are the ultimate in cinema.

Then again we’re on what, Fast and Furious 10? That franchise was pretty much dead by the third one but since the actors didn’t have the success they thought they would outside of F&F they ended up coming back.


Dirty Bastard
Growing up as a kid I loved science fiction movies and you think I’d enjoy the amount of star trek, star wars and cape shit movies. Its like a kid being locked in a candy shop with a pedophile.
“Here’s a new superman movie, but hes now a gay black tranny and if you say anything negative at all your a bigot”
I hope they all fucking bomb, I hope they cunts responsible go broke and have to blow dogs for sustenance.
Watched Three days of the condor last night and I enjoyed it far more than any capeshit


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
You loved science fiction movies because they were really expensive to make so the studios only funded them if they had a great script, and a great cast. In those days a science fiction movie probably really was good, or at least tried to be. There was far too much money banking on it for anyone to afford to let it fail. You didn't like rom coms, horror or westerns because they were mostly cheap shit made for a weekly theater going audience.


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
Tatiana Maslany is a great actress, Orphan Black is her playing 75% of the characters and you mentally separate the clones as different people. You get on the Marvel teat, you get paid, even if you have dumbdumbs like Dana in the writer's room giving you woke horseshit to work with.

Internet hypes you up for an obscure Canadian sci-fi drama, you sell out to Disney and get to be a superhero. I don't watch Disney+ shows so quite frankly I could care less how bad it is.