WWAW the supreme court reducing the power of the EPA?


May St. Mel bless you
16, dick, but from what I understand this is more about restricting unelected government officials powers in making laws and forcing it to go through Congress instead. Last year the Supreme Court slapped down the eviction moratorium issued by the CDC so this is more about getting elected officials to make the laws instead of circumventing the whole representative process.

Da fawkin problem is Congress is full of Anthony Cumias, loudmouth sex perverts who will bitch and moan about all the problems out there, but are too cowardly to ever actually do anything.

The Court is saying we need a Congress of Opies, who will take work seriously and can steer the ship.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
16, dick, but from what I understand this is more about restricting unelected government officials powers in making laws and forcing it to go through Congress instead. Last year the Supreme Court slapped down the eviction moratorium issued by the CDC so this is more about getting elected officials to make the laws instead of circumventing the whole representative process.
That's the point. It's about separation of powers and this is a big precedent. Want a covid vaccine mandate? Have congress pass a law saying it. This forces congress to pass laws.

Think the bump stock ban was wrong? Can the ATF make a law saying they're banned? Not any more.

A lot of stuff can be challenged now because executive branch organizations can't make laws.


Great food
Whatever environmental issues there may be are solely due to the worlds population constantly increasing, which is never going to stop. Eventually there won't be enough land, eventually there won't be enough food, eventually the planet and all life on it will cease to exist. All living things die, including planets and there isn't any stopping it. People who press so hard about environmental shit are using it to push through subversive agendas to keep ruining Western Civilization and the economies therein.


Whatever environmental issues there may be are solely due to the worlds population constantly increasing, which is never going to stop. Eventually there won't be enough land, eventually there won't be enough food, eventually the planet and all life on it will cease to exist. All living things die, including planets and there isn't any stopping it. People who press so hard about environmental shit are using it to push through subversive agendas to keep ruining Western Civilization and the economies therein.
95% of the Earth's population lives on 10% of it's land surface.

We will never run out of space for people.


Great food
95% of the Earth's population lives on 10% of it's land surface.

We will never run out of space for people.
Not all of it is habitable, or meant to be habitable (everything from farms, graveyards, etc.) Point is, its finite. Buy land AJ, God ain't makin any more of it.


Not all of it is habitable, or meant to be habitable (everything from farms, graveyards, etc.) Point is, its finite. Buy land AJ, God ain't makin any more of it.
It may not all be habitable, but the vast majority of it is. Most is it is just inconveniently located, but that's where road projects come from. Those giant ghost cities in China exist for a reason. Egypt is expanding and moving their capital to land that was basically unused. The filler land between those two cities will turn into towns and whatnot. Plenty of landowners will be willing to sell to developers here in the US in the "flyover states" which have no population to further expand our own population.

Neat article.