WWAW the NYC "accent" dying out?


Which way?! Medium or well done?
White people in NYC, but especially Boston are too hyperaware of the accent.

When every restaurant has "Lobstah" on the menu and people obsess over the accent, of course it starts to die. I have a lot of friends whose parents have strong Mass or Maine accents and they don't.

Accents thrive when people think they don't have them. Wisconsin is actually a good example. Great lakes accents are still very strong because people there don't think they have them and it's not famous like a Boston accent. But go to Milwaukee, Buffalo, Detroit, Cleveland, etc. and you'll hear young people still with strong accents.

The Great Lakes accent is actually very annoying, though, and should die out.


There are some cool regional American accents, it would be a shame if they died out and everyone sounds like that generic faggot American voice "like ohmygod." For my money, this guy has a cool accent and voice. Doesn't hurt that he's a funny fucker and great storyteller

See to my Limey ear I would just assume he's from somewhere in the Deep South or Texas or Arizona or somewhere but he's apparently from rural Illinois.