WWAW the NYC "accent" dying out?



Yea, internet killed the accent.

what's worse is that it's made everybody talk like a nigger, because they've been programmed by kikes.
talk to anyone under 23 lately?

dawg she's fucking fire, her head game strong. bet.

bruh that touchdown was dummy good

nah dude it was fucking lit last night, we were poppin bottles

Im gonna go cop some chipotle, and then ill hit you up


My brother still has his (he's 51) and he hasn't lived in NY in 24 years or the East Coast. I basically left NY at the age of 16 and I lost my accent before my first Christmas break visiting my family. My dad has his (82), but it's never been particularly strong-

Hearing Covidcumia talk was kind of jarring, because I've only heard an accent that strong in the movies and on TV progrums- maybe a few relatives from Rockaway Beach talk like that, but it's been 20 years since I heard them talk.


I have a face like a shovel
as long as there are "Cavones" in NJ, and SI, that accent will still be around

granted- it will be a horrible permutation akin to what Philadelphia did to the Baltimore accent but it will still strive in places where people eat "Gabagool", "Moozarella", and they call Marinara sauce "Gravy"

and don't none of y'all niggas try to say "Hrrr durrr we know the difference between "Gravy" and "Marinara" hurr duurr" .....

BULL-SHIT.....you fucking mouthbreathing greaseballs call your Marinara "Gravy" like a bunch of fucking degenerate......fuck outta here

EDIT: btw- I don't think the actual word is "Cavone"..I think it's "Caffone" .....but yeah- I did it "ironically" kinda like how some people with say "Gabagool" in a "Tongue and cheek" manner
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as long as there are "Cavones" in NJ, and SI, that accent will still be around

granted- it will be a horrible permutation akin to what Philadelphia did to the Baltimore accent but it will still strive in places where people eat "Gabagool", "Moozarella", and they call Marinara sauce "Gravy"
I dont think the Philly accent will ever die. In fact I think its getting worse and worse. With each younger age group it gets more and more intensely drawley and dipthongey.
Im a “wooder” guy, but I dont sound like a total mongoloid like @Snake
(Just kidding Snake, please dont dox me)
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Yea, internet killed the accent.

what's worse is that it's made everybody talk like a nigger, because they've been programmed by kikes.
talk to anyone under 23 lately?

dawg she's fucking fire, her head game strong. bet.

bruh that touchdown was dummy good

nah dude it was fucking lit last night, we were poppin bottles

Im gonna go cop some chipotle, and then ill hit you up
My one buddy talked completely normal in HS then when he went off to college he started with “bruh this” and “lit that”. He will even say “bruh” conversationally and its like man what are you doing.

I always wondered growing up how i would explain to my kids someday the rap music i was listening to, but then after college i realized this shit fucking sucks. I cringe whenever i hear my friends talk about the new rap album shit that came out and how fire it is.


My mom is Boston. My dad is from New York. I grew up in Boston and have a combination of both disgusting accents, but not super obnoxious.

I live in Florida so everyone here assumes I'm from New York or Jersey. I'm pretty sure some think I'm in the mob for some reason, especially the really redneck ones here. It's hilarious and I just enjoy the ride.


DiPaolo is from eastern mass, you dope. That shit is dying out here too, everyone talks like a faggot from California. "For sure!" "That's SUPER great news, man!" ....fuck ya mothah will ya?

I can keep it hidden but after 3 or 4 drinks I sound like fucking retahhhdd but I got people around me way fucking worse with it.

White working class neighborhoods in Boston are dead. Its just the stragglers left waiting to die. I imagine NY and Philly aren't much different but fuck those dirty shitholes. Atleast boston keeps their niggers hidden.


The Backbone of America
You know what's really fucking weird? In Canada, that stereotypical retard NHL interview "the boys really fockin gave er oat there tonight, ya knoo" accent is getting more common and recently I've noticed people who never actually spoke that way adopting it. I blame Letterkenny. When I was a kid, it seemed like no one in Ontario really talked like that except real ass hillbilly people. Everyone just sounded like New Yorkers who don't have the NY accent. The only Canadian accents I'd ever notice were the maritime ones, which are especially goofy, and of course the french *spits*.