WWAW the Bukowski?



Faggot here.
I have an MFA in writing so I do know what I'm talking about. Bukowski is very popular among confused 20 year old faggots mad at their fathers. Was he talented? Yes. He was also a faggot.

If you want to romanticize angry, butt-fucking-ugly, drunk, impotent, abusive, lonely faggots who use being drunk and angry as a flaccid subsitute for masculinity, have at it.

If the guy wanted to kill himself so bad, how come he didn't do it, like Hemingway, the man he stole his essence from? Cause he was a faggot.

If you read Bukowski after the age of 24 and still think he's PFG, you're a confused faggot. Read Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy or fucking Moby Dick by Melville. Put some hair on your balls.

Faggot had cancer and still couldn't kill himself.
What a faggot.
I don't entirely agree with what you're saying but I do agree he's an early to mid 20s kind of author. In any other life where he didn't make it as an author he would have drank himself to death a lot earlier, and his mentality that he kind of glorified is something you put behind you by 25 or just give up. Not to say I'm not still chugging vodka until I puke blood, but it's no life to resign yourself to.


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
Faggot here.
I have an MFA in writing so I do know what I'm talking about. Bukowski is very popular among confused 20 year old faggots mad at their fathers. Was he talented? Yes. He was also a faggot.

If you want to romanticize angry, butt-fucking-ugly, drunk, impotent, abusive, lonely faggots who use being drunk and angry as a flaccid subsitute for masculinity, have at it.

If the guy wanted to kill himself so bad, how come he didn't do it, like Hemingway, the man he stole his essence from? Cause he was a faggot.

If you read Bukowski after the age of 24 and still think he's PFG, you're a confused faggot. Read Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy or fucking Moby Dick by Melville. Put some hair on your balls.

Faggot had cancer and still couldn't kill himself.
What a faggot.
Blood Meridian fawkin ruled. I go deep wit da Cormac Mccarthy. Erock put on no country for old men.

Niki's Bull

Strawberry Letter 23
I'll cop to being a Bukowski faggot. I've been to the bungalow where he lived when he wrote Women and many other works (pictured), his favorite liquor store (The Pink Elephant), and the post office where he worked in downtown Los Angeles.

That said, the bitterness and misery of his earlier stuff appeals to me less and less as I get older. My favorite novel of his is Hollywood, which was written when he was already rich and famous. It's the story of the making of the movie Barfly, for which he wrote the screenplay. It's very funny and irreverent, with great observations about various Hollywood types, such as Mickey Rourke, Sean Penn, Dennis Hopper, Werner Herzog, and the Israelis who financed the movie.

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I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
I like that unlike all the other "LOL Drugs/Drinking!" Authors he doesn't really try to glamorize it. He shows being a drunk for what it is mostly. His character hangs at seedy places with alchies and scumbags, fucks gross women sometimes and otherwise just wastes his life. Sure it can be fun I'm sure but it doesn't give the reader the idea "oh I wanna do that". It's pretty clear of you do that there's only one direction you're going, even if you are not exceptionally talented