WWAW the Bukowski?


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Listening to Women and it seems alright so far. Just a drunkard who liked to go down on broads with hairy boxes and get wasted. His description of banging a chick while hungover and noticing her breath smelled like shit was funny. I’ve been there a few times.

Kind of degenerate but you gotta admit that he managed to make a living out of it after a while.


I like his poems about cats. 🐱😺😺




Ever since Crazy KC Armstrong mentioned reading it on Howard Stern, i knew it would be dogshit. If KC could read it, it was meant for a child, child.

To quote Bukowski: “Simplicity is always the secret, to a profound truth, to doing things, to writing, to painting. Life is profound in its simplicity”

Just because his writing isn’t flowery doesn’t mean it’s bad or doesn’t hold a lot of truths. I like that he gets to the point with his writings without pretentiousness.


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
Always avoided reading him. Seemed like an excuse for annoying college kids to constantly drink and do drugs
Heard him in an interview on the radio and they mentioned some other alcoholic that had choked on his own vomit and Bukowski just said with disdain, "He's not even a professional drunk. Everyone knows you got to pass out on your side."


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
To quote Bukowski: “Simplicity is always the secret, to a profound truth, to doing things, to writing, to painting. Life is profound in its simplicity”

Just because his writing isn’t flowery doesn’t mean it’s bad or doesn’t hold a lot of truths. I like that he gets to the point with his writings without pretentiousness.


He was PFG. mickey rourke in barfly was brilliant too.

Not to mention he is hated by every academic english professor because of le misogny. College kids stopped idolizing him around 2008


Faggot here.
I have an MFA in writing so I do know what I'm talking about. Bukowski is very popular among confused 20 year old faggots mad at their fathers. Was he talented? Yes. He was also a faggot.

If you want to romanticize angry, butt-fucking-ugly, drunk, impotent, abusive, lonely faggots who use being drunk and angry as a flaccid subsitute for masculinity, have at it.

If the guy wanted to kill himself so bad, how come he didn't do it, like Hemingway, the man he stole his essence from? Cause he was a faggot.

If you read Bukowski after the age of 24 and still think he's PFG, you're a confused faggot. Read Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy or fucking Moby Dick by Melville. Put some hair on your balls.

Faggot had cancer and still couldn't kill himself.
What a faggot.
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I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Faggot here.
I have an MFA in writing so I do know what I'm talking about. Bukowski is very popular among confused 20 year old faggots mad at their fathers. Was he talented? Yes. He was also a faggot.

If you want to romanticize angry, butt-fucking-ugly, drunk, impotent, abusive, lonely faggots who use being drunk and angry as a flaccid subsitute for masculinity, have at it.

If the guy wanted to kill himself so bad, how come he didn't do it, like Hemingway, the man he stole his essence from? Cause he was a faggot.

If you read Bukowski after the age of 24 and still think he's PFG, you're a confused faggot. Read Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy or fucking Moby Dick by Melville. Put some hair on your balls.

Faggot had cancer and still couldn't kill himself.
What a faggot.
Confused faggot
Butt ugly.

Faggot here.
I have an MFA in writing so I do know what I'm talking about. Bukowski is very popular among confused 20 year old faggots mad at their fathers. Was he talented? Yes. He was also a faggot.

If you want to romanticize angry, butt-fucking-ugly, drunk, impotent, abusive, lonely faggots who use being drunk and angry as a flaccid subsitute for masculinity, have at it.

If the guy wanted to kill himself so bad, how come he didn't do it, like Hemingway, the man he stole his essence from? Cause he was a faggot.

If you read Bukowski after the age of 24 and still think he's PFG, you're a confused faggot. Read Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy or fucking Moby Dick by Melville. Put some hair on your balls.

Faggot had cancer and still couldn't kill himself.
What a faggot.
Moby Dick is great. I even liked the Cetology chapter.