Wwaw the Blur?

They probably have the most consistently strong and musically diverse back catalogue of any major band from the last 25 years, maybe with the exception of Radiohead.

Modern Life Is Rubbish and Parklife are probably my two favourite records by them but 13 and Think Tank are good too. Even their comeback album The Magic Whip was solid.

Obviously Damon Albarn is a talented guy but Graham Coxon is a brilliant guitarist. His contributions to Blur are not dissimilar to what Johnny Marr brought to The Smiths.

The other two are fine musicians but nothing spectacular, although the bassist comes over as a bit of a knob but I think they're all a bit fucking typically lefty, champagne socialist types.

With the exception of Song 2, they never really cracked America, probably too British sounding but they're held in high regard, a bit like The Smith's. Would like to hear new stuff.


Dan doesn’t have a penis. I. Do.
The greatest British band has always been, and will forever be, The Kinks.
But Blur is fucking great. I never tire of Parklife or Modern Life is Rubbish. I never understood the Blur/Oasis question, until a British fella told me it really came down to class affiliation. Regardless, Blur is by far the superior band.

I think the best British band from that era - aside from Pulp, who are in a class of their own - is The La's



I'm not a huge fan, but they're a lot better than Oasis. Nice sunglasses, shithead. Although Noel making fun of their music videos is funny

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
I'm not a huge fan, but they're a lot better than Oasis. Nice sunglasses, shithead. Although Noel making fun of their music videos is funny
I’m a late Oasis fan, couldn’t stand them in the 90’s when I was a kid but hearing Liam on Stern when he went solo made me reassess. There’s good shit there and neither has a filter, hell Noel is still pissing people off and he’s almost 60.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I’m a late Oasis fan, couldn’t stand them in the 90’s when I was a kid but hearing Liam on Stern when he went solo made me reassess. There’s good shit there and neither has a filter, hell Noel is still pissing people off and he’s almost 60.
Noel and Liam rule. They still hate each other although Liam says it’s Noel who doesn’t want to get over it. Fawkin love the Gallagher brothers tobehonestwitya. It’s even funnier knowing there’s a middle brother who has nothing to do with it caught in the middle.


Noel and Liam rule. They still hate each other although Liam says it’s Noel who doesn’t want to get over it. Fawkin love the Gallagher brothers tobehonestwitya. It’s even funnier knowing there’s a middle brother who has nothing to do with it caught in the middle.

I’m quite indifferent about Oasis’ music, they made some bangers but the majority of their music does nothing for me. I like their sense of humour though.