WWAW Spiders?



They don't bother me, but then again they probably would in Australia where half of them can kill you. Snakes creep me out. Another reason I'm not in a rush to visit Oz.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
In other spider news, it's 7am here and i am laid in bed wide awake with my light on.. i lost a massive one in my bedroom about 2 hours ago and am now too paranoid to sleep.. they are fucking faggots man. I went to smack it with my Croc and it bolted under my curtains and disappeared.

Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan
The only things i don't kill if they are in my house are Butterflies, Ladybirds and Bees.. i'll just shoo them out.


You mean ladybugs, Mayor Limey?


WWAWD male spiders mating without actual sex? They deposit their sperm before even meeting the female, and they also risk being eaten, so what's in it for them? Fawkin pot talk friday.
The nature of man is to cum in or on things. Some female fish lay eggs then the male comes by & blows a load on the pile of eggs. Nature is cummy like that.