WWAW Sierra Games?

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Oh yeah. Swat, Kings Quest.

The first online community I went on was Sierras online Network.


I used to play the shit out of Trophy Bass


Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
I bought an Amiga 500 to play Sierra games. They were released, obviously, on PC but also on Amiga for some reason. Sierra probably made up 45% of the games I played, LucasGames another 45 %, and the remaining 10% went towards companies like Interplay and Accolade.

I bought the Police Quest collection off GOG a few years ago, but don't think I have the patience or need for nostalgia that makes playing those games again worth it. But they were great at the time.


-Former DMANIC
I used to play the fawk out of them as a kid because you could get them for the cheap. Played a lot of SWAT 2, the terrorist campaign was PFG except for the faggy new-age elements they added into what was clearly a Tim McVeigh themed thing.

Of all the things to do in this wonderful world people actually waste their time playing this shit?

Getting strung out on heroin is more admirable.