WWAW Peep Show


on a watchlist of known perverts
They always had some top tier gash, the already mentioned in this thread Big Suze obviously but my favourite was Vera Filatova



❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
My husband introduced me to Peep Show, Spaced, and The IT Crowd. I introduced him to Blackadder and Fawlty Towers. I'd say it was a fair trade but looking back I think Peep Show edges out Blackadder a lil bit, lil bit.

“I don’t know what to say at funerals.” “Just say I’m sorry for your loss and move on.” Then he goes to the funeral and says, “I’m sorry for your loss, move on.” IT Crowd was pretty damn good and I usually can’t stand schmaaarrmmy humor.


Give Me Some Money
The firs tfour seasons are up there among the ebst comedies ever made. The Dinner Party episode in the final season might be one of the funniest things I've ever seen, I've seen it so many times by now and still laugh at it.
Both Peep Show and M&W are two of the only shows I've laughed out loud at in reason times. Like that sourpuss @johnnynoname said, I'm a jaded 40-something, so nothing on telly* is funny anymore.

*that's what the Brits (British people) call television. Isn't that charming?
Telly obviously comes from Tele rather than changing one word into two initials. I can see the thinking.

However some people call it the Gogglebox which is fucking enraging