WWAW NYC' Nuclear Attack PSA?


nice uterus, stupid
Nukes are a hoax like the moon landing. This is just propaganda to sell nukes nothing more. Manhattan Project was run entirely by kikes.
"Manhattan Project":
The kikes told the US State dep't: "We will come up with a super-weapon, but it's all a total bluff, but plausible enough to keep Stalin at bay in Europe." The Americans agreed to the ruse.

Then, a few years later, they sold the same lie/PR campaign (with the mushroom clouds, radioactive fallout etc) to the Russians. At that point the Pentagon couldn't admit it was all a bluff, so they just played along. The rest is history.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Cant think of one person id miss from NYC if that shit hit tonight. Sounds like a net positive. If they could go ahead and hit LA while theyre at it, id be forever grateful.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Cant think of one person id miss from NYC if that shit hit tonight. Sounds like a net positive. If they could go ahead and hit LA while theyre at it, id be forever grateful.
Maybe Dave Atell. But I'd be willing to make that sacrifice.