WWAW NYC' Nuclear Attack PSA?

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
It's suppose to make stupid people afraid. Remember when Putin was "GOING NUCLEAR" during the Ukraine conflict because the Russian army was close to capturing the Chernobyl power plant? You know, a strategic move any invading army would make regardless of how it was making power?
The fuck were they gonna do with Chernobyl when they have plenty of nuclear reactors and bombs already?


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
A little nonchalant, no? Also, don't ask questions. I'm sure black people and all of the other savages in NYC will act civilized for once- lol.

So basically if you were within a certain radius of the blast but not killed by it, stay inside until you inevitably die of radiation poisoning. And thatd be basically everyone in Manhattan if it hit there. Thank God nothing of value would be lost


Can you image nuclear bombs dropping and turning into a ghoul like in Fallout?

It's suppose to make stupid people afraid. Remember when Putin was "GOING NUCLEAR" during the Ukraine conflict because the Russian army was close to capturing the Chernobyl power plant? You know, a strategic move any invading army would make regardless of how it was making power?
Your not wrong about the whole making stupid people afraid thing. I've been interested in the Russian strategy in this situation. They took over Chernobyl Power Plant. Never shut it down. The troops dug fox holes in Radiated soil to defend against literally nobody. Most of the troops has never heard of the Chernobyl disaster so a bunch of Russian troops got sick digging those foxholes. Nobody is risking an engagement right next to a power plant. Then they just up and leave like a fart in the wind. Later they attacked a different power plant and stole some equipment. It's like when you played Risk the first time And had no clue what to do so you just attacked random targets that didn't really relate to each other.