WWAW Nursing Homes?

You ever visit one of these hell pits and see a bunch of patients in wheelchairs or whatever sitting there in front of the main desk, just all zapped out doing nothing? This is how these kikeatoriums "handle" their "problem" residents, by sticking them right in front of the front desk for every waking hour, so they can "keep an eye on them" without having to get up. These poor saps just sit there, day after day after day, not even able to watch TV or even stare out a window, all so some dumb Haitian cunt doesn't have to keep walking down the hall to attend to them.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
in about 10 years, because of excess population due to immigration to better countries- automation - lack of skill / want to work (look up the "useless class"), we'll be booming with Nursing Homes for the average losers/junkies/homeless & all government subsidized

they better fucking suck ass (cause if they dont they'll attract even more losers)


Ain't it fun?
I imagine it's like going back to high school where you get bullied by people that have the physical or psychological advantage over you.
I'd be trying to sneak in smokes left and right and rebel against every rule too, just to be a nuisance.
I'd also try and fuck the carers, you know some of these psychopath whores are in it to harvest sugar daddys and I will happily oblige.

My nana and pop don't want to go but rather die alone on their marble floor in a horrific domestic accident at some point with their dementia-riddled minds, using kitchen appliances, power tools, open flames, open flights of stairs with no banisters etc. as if they're still normal people.

It'll be hilarious when someone finds them rotting for days on end. Fuck them.


In my early 20's I was a cook at a low-mid cost nursing home. It was 80% navajo residents and CNA's. The nurses and ass wipers were fat as fuck and smoked every thirty minutes. The old navajo ladies were pretty cool though. I They made me necklaces all the time and one thought i was her son. RIP Alice. Every month, the navajo's shitty, greedy families would show up to steal their parents/grandparents social security check.

My boss insisted almost everything be made from scratch so the food was actually pretty good and not your idea of institutional cooking. The fat fucks who were only there because they were fat were the worst. Wanting special treats every meal. In-between meals. Asking for ice cream and pop and shit. Had 2 drug addict big fat fucks who were roommates and it was eye opening just how worthless people could really be. They both died within a year of each other. They were the youngest people there:ROFLMAO:


A girlfriend of mine was a nurse working in a home. There was an ancient woman in there whose leg was literally rotting off but they couldn't amputate because it would kill her. They had to scrape off the dead flesh daily and keep her doped up until she dropped dead herself.
I have family that own a few. They are getting on to the age of the older residents. The luck of the draw with health is particularly unkind.

At my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary she got pissed up and tried to make us go visit the home as it was just down the road from the pub. We give it a swerve. Depressing places.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
6 years ago when my Pop died, he made my aunts and uncle promise not to put my grandmother in a home. They were married over 60 years, and it was his dying wish. Literally the last thing he said.

She went on with dementia and eventually Alzheimer’s for 6 years, near the end it was soul crushing. However, she died at her home surrounded by us. There were times when I think those who watched her, myself included for 1 and a half years, wished he’d never asked us to do that. However, when she died I think we all were so happy she wasn’t in a home. I could never imagine doing that and definitely won’t be with my parents. To those who had no other choice, I’m not bashing you.

I can’t even believe that Anthony, with all his fortune, put his mom in a fucking home instead of just paying for a caregiver to go to her house. Scumbag pedophile loser.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Would have to pick up bodies at nursing homes a few times a week. Employees were always nice when I'd come in, all smiles and whatnot. But as soon it came time to pull the body from the bed onto the cot they'd hightail it to the nurse's station. Them Haitians don't fuck around when there's bad juju afoot.